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Friday, September 29, 2023


By Peace Muthoka

Nominated Senator representing women in the Senate of Kenya, Gloria Orwoba,wins after court resumes her sitting in the Senate.

Senator Orwoba was granted to the Ex- parte applicant to apply for an order of Prohibition directed at the respondents  prohibiting and restraining them from implementing the Report of the 4th Respondent dated 9th August,2023 tabled and laid on the table of the House on 20th September, 2023 & debated and adopted as a resolution of the 5th respondent purporting to.

 She was ordered to offer an apology to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Respondents and directed to file the substantive Notice of Motion application within the next 14 days and serve all the Respondents with the same within 48 hours.

This follows after nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba has been suspended for six months by the Senate after the house adopted recommendation made by the Powers and Privileges Committee chaired by Senate Speaker Amason Kingi.

Orwoba was accused for making unsubstantiated allegations of sexual favours by some parliamentary officials.

She was also accused for alleging that there was discrimination in parliament by posting various messages on the Senate Business WhatsApp messenger platform.

From the ruling, Senator Orwoba was granted to the Ex- parte applicant to apply for an order of Prohibition directed at the respondents in particular the 2nd 3rd 4th & 5th respondents prohibiting and restraining them from implementing the Report of the 4th Respondent dated 9th August,2023 tabled and laid on the table of the House on 20th September, 2023 & debated and adopted as a resolution of the 5th respondent purporting to.

 On resumption, she was ordered to offer an apology to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Respondents and directed to file the substantive Notice of Motion application within the next 14 days and serve all the Respondents with the same within 48 hours.

This follows after nominated Senator
 Gloria Orwoba has been suspended for six months by the Senate after the house adopted recommendation made by the Powers and Privileges Committee chaired by Senate Speaker Amason Kingi.

Orwoba was accused for making unsubstantiated allegations of sexual favours by some parliamentary officials.

She was also accused for alleging that there was discrimination in parliament by posting various messages on the Senate Business WhatsApp messenger platform.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Mrs Universe Milka Mukami been presented Kenyan flag by Global Peace Foundation Excutive Director Daniel Juma

Mrs universe Milka Mukami is set  to  battle it out in the world arena of beauties in Placity Phillipines has promised to represent the country with outmost grace and respect and bring the crown home.

Beauties all smiles during the flag off ceremony at parklands sports club

Speaking during the flag off ceremony held at parklands sports club to see her off as she leave the country tomorrow ahead of the peagent,Milka Mukami has said the Mrs universe peagent seeks to redefine beauty to give it focus on the Family.Participants in the universe are all people who believe in family, married women who have children and all believe in family as a  critical unit and most important unit in creating peace.

Mr and Mrs Universe 

 Daniel Juma Executive Director Global Peace Foundation which has partnered with Mrs Universe Kenya through special projects which focus of families to reduce gender based violence has called upon Kenyans to get married and embrace families and work  hard to preserve the beauty.Mr Juma has said it important for  husbands to support their wives to achieve their dreams,get children when young and grow with them.

Immaculate Onyoni handing over the crown to Milka Mukami

The reigning Mrs Universe who is currently the National Director Heritage Peagents  Immaculate Onyoni has officially handed over the crown to Mrs Universe Milka Mukami who was also presented the Kenyan flag by the Global Peace Foundation Excutive Director.

Current and former Mrs universe having a chat 


By Cynthia Masibo

The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Congress, in collaboration with the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK), hosted the 8th IFLA African Symposium at the Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi Kenya, themmed "EMERGENT INTERACTION,"the conference focused on strengthening landscape architecture's connection to Agenda 2030 through innovative problem-solving, global cooperation, and addressing climate change, social inequality, and biodiversity loss.

Chief Architect Lawrence Mochama, representing the CS of State Department for Public Works, emphasized the government's commitment to making cities sustainable and addressing climate change.

The Swedish Ambassador to Kenya, Caroline Vicini, applauded the collaboration between built environment professionals from both countries in tackling climate change and creating smart, healthy cities.

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs highlighted Africa's urbanization, with the population in urban areas expected to rise by 60 percent by 2050, intensifying the climate change crisis.

President of AAK, Florence Nyole,has  stressed the importance of cooperation within the built environment to achieve shared environmental goals and address issues such as rapid urbanization, climate change, and housing.

The IFLA World Congress 2023 and the 8th IFLA African Symposium provide a platform for professionals to collaborate and find solutions to global challenges in Nairobi, a city closely related to the congress theme.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Kenya women parliamentary Association  (KEWOPA) has today held a media sensitization workshop on Obstetrics Violence under the Gamafrica foundation  organized by Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba, Member of Parliament for
Githunguri,Dubbed #HESHIMUUZAZI CAMPAIGN which aims to restore child birth dignity, promote respectful maternity care and end OBV stigmatization.

Speaking to journalists during the workshop Hon Leah Sankare ,KEWOPA chairperson has called on the government to address the challenges in OBV which affects one in three women.KEWOPA is committed to end all sorts of violence to women by coming up with social interventions and strengthening health systems through building partnerships.

According to professor Anne kihara president international federation of gynaecology and obstetrics (FIGO) there is need for advocacy, training and research to adress the challenges facing women in maternal journey especially removal of fibroids which results to medical complications.Obstetric violence (OBV)  infringes  the fundamental rights of women and contradicts the principles of compassionate and respectful maternity care depriving women of their dignity.

What irks most is that the violence occasionally comes from medical professionals including nurses,doctors and midwives which range from  sexual, verbal abuse,bullying,coercion,humiliation, or assault during their pregnancy, labor, and postpartum periods while receiving medical care.

 This violation of human rights impacts women's physical and mental well-being, potentially leading to degrading and inhumane childbirth experiences, health complications, severe psychological distress, postpartum depression, mental illness, trauma, and fatalities.

OBV is a form of violence against women that occurs while receiving maternal care,when pregnant in labour and after giving birth.This occurs mostly sue to lack of financial support to cushion vulnerable women and lack awareness.

The sensitization workshop was attended by
 presidential Advisor on Women's Rights Harriet chiggai, Nursing council of Kenya,Amref representative,Dr Betty Sungura CEO NGEC,Mrs,Mary Mwiti CEO council of Governors and women parliamentarians.


Kenyas finest model Mrs. Milkah Mukami is scheduled to represent Kenya at the 46th Mrs. Universe International 2023 competition to be held in Pasay City Philippines as from 1st to 9th October 2023.

The Kenyan delegate is set to effectively compete, network and represent the country within areas
of Arts- Pageantry, Tourism, Culture & Heritage and Trade by creating close collaboration with
other delegates and officials during the global pageant.

Mrs. Mukami is a graduate of Daystar University with a background in Communication. She is a
peace practitioner specializing in conflict resolution and she is also a Healing Healer. After
participating at the Mrs. Universe Kenya pageant which was held in Dec 2022, and where she
won overwhelmingly as an honorary and exemplary queen nationwide, she immediately
embarked on working on her “Healing Healers Project” with women groups known as Chamas
across the country.

The Mrs. Universe Pageant awards is  the most honorable woman and participants who must be aged between 18-55 years old, have a family, career and be involved with any humanitarian cause that helps the society.

 This year, the international competition has registered over 120 delegates from all over the world where the Kenyan delegate is included.
Kenyan representative runs her project in partnership with other organizations such as; The Global Peace Foundation,Malipo Kenya, Re Birth of A Queen, Amani Communities Africa and various media companies.She intends to further involve and collaborate with the other delegates she set to meet in Philippines and international organizations.

Mrs. Mukami will address a Press Conference on 28th September 2023 at 4pm at the
Parklands Sports Club during her official Kenyan Flag Off Ceremony to be attended by various government officials from various ministries of Sports & The Arts, Tourism &Heritage, Trade & Investment, Foreign & Diaspora Affairs, and other Corporate leaders invited.


 Old Mutual Investment Group has urged trustees to Integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in their investment decision-making processes in an effort to foster responsible investing and promote long-term value creation.

The call aligns with the plea of African leaders to the international community, urging collective global efforts in resource mobilization for the dual purposes of development and climate action. The appeal was made during the recent Inaugural African Climate Summit, where African leaders encouraged development partners to redirect their technical and financial resources to support the sustainable exploitation of Africa's natural resources.

The move, if implemented, seeks to safeguard the environment and the communities where investors work. This is besides ensuring that management and corporate governance of companies meet high standards.

Speaking during the recently held Old Mutual Investment Group (OMIG) 2023 Conference, OMIG Managing Director Anthony Mwithigia said Incorporating ESG considerations into investment decisions is no longer an option but a necessity and that it resonates with a shared vision of sustainable and responsible investing.

“Trustees have a fiduciary duty to safeguard the interests of beneficiaries, and this includes factoring in non-financial risks and opportunities that can significantly impact long-term investment outcomes." Said Anthony.

According to sustainability experts Proto's Capital, sidelining ESG considerations in investment decision-making processes, poses considerable risks to investment portfolios.

“Recent studies have shown a correlation between strong ESG performance and long-term financial performance. Companies with robust sustainability practices are better positioned to adapt to changing regulatory landscapes, consumer preferences, and market trends. Conversely, those neglecting ESG aspects may face reputational damage, regulatory fines, and decreased investor confidence” said Protos Capital Managing Partner Loise Wangui in her keynote address to trustees at the conference.

The experts underscore the critical importance of integrating ESG factors to mitigate risks, enhance financial performance, and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

“ESG factors encompass a wide range of issues such as climate change, human rights, labour standards, diversity and inclusion, and corporate governance. Ignoring these factors could lead to potentially harmful consequences, both financially and ethically. By considering ESG aspects, trustees can identify hidden risks, uncover opportunities for innovation, and contribute positively to the broader community” said Loise.

Currently, governments and regulators globally recognize ESG's importance, introducing reporting requirements, disclosure standards, and guidelines for responsible investing. Trustees not aligning with these rules risk legal and reputational repercussions.

 Capital Markets Authority introduced Kenya Sustainability Reporting Standards (KSRS) in 2020,which guide ESG disclosure by Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) listed firms. CMA's 2020 ESG Dashboard adds insights into NSE-listed companies' performance in climate, environment, social, and governance.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Deputy county commissioners (DCCs) attending the Training of Trainers (ToT) at the Kenya School of Government 

In a bid to ensure that every interaction administrators have with mwananchi is marked by empathy and a genuine understanding of their unique needs the government has launched training for thirty trainers of trainers (ToT) Deputy county commissioners who were selected on merit to undergo a training on functions of government, security,peace, safety for citizens, communication,
Public participation,climate change and employee wellness.

Dr Raymond Omolo permanent secretary interior and National coordination at a past event

In a statement by the permanent secretary ministry of interior and coordination Dr Raymond Omolo has said the deputy county commissioners will be deployed across the National government administration structures to cascade their radical shift in mindset,tackle the changing dynamics and deliver government services efficiently. 

The government is progressively accelerating the implementation of its visionary blueprint on socio-economic empowerment and inclusive
prosperity under the Bottom- Up Economic Transformation Agenda(BETA).The plan encompasses cementing the position of the
National Government Administrative Officers (NGAOs) as the driving force behind these strategic interventions and forge an environment
where every single mwananchi will not only thrive but also contribute meaningfully to collective prosperity.

Being the government’s first point of contact with the grassroots, this department plays a pivotal role in transforming service delivery and maximizing the impact of our targeted investments. 

Friday, September 22, 2023


KBL Head of Sales Nairobi, Joseph Kagigite, Anthony Wainaina CEO, Ponty Pridd Holding Ltd, PS Gender & Affirmative Action Veronica Nduva and Stella Mputhia, HR Director Ponty Pridd Holding during the launch of She Delivers Program whose aim is to bridge gap in the women in the logistic & transport sector in Kenya. 

Ponty Pridd Holdings a transport and logistics company that specializes in both Long and short-distance haulage for local and export destinations, long-distance operations as well as Cross Border Transit services has launched a women tailored program dubbed 'she delivers' seeking to bridge the gap of women in transport industry.

 Speaking at the launch of She Delivers Program at Ponty Pridd Holdings Limited, Gender and affirmative PS Ms Veronica Nduva said that transport sector create barriers to encouraging women to join and retaining women already in the industry which is  traditionally been regarded as no place for a woman.

She Delivers is an internship program aimed at bridging the gender gap in the industry. This program will train 80 women annually (6 month internship program for 20 interns per cycle, churning out 80 per year) as they navigate their careers in the dynamic world of transport and logistics.

Ponty Pridd aims to provide aspiring women professionals with the guidance, knowledge, and opportunities they need to excel in a traditionally male-dominated field according to Anthony Wainaina, CEO of Ponty Pridd Holdings the program is set to kick off on 21st September 2023 and will continue to operate on an annual basis. Ponty Pridd Holdings invites all interested parties, including potential mentees, mentors, and industry stakeholders, to join hands in supporting this vital initiative.


Rebecca Miano cabinet secretary East Africa community Arid and semi Arid 

Cabinet secretary for East Africa and arid lands Rebecca Miano has said the government is keen to opening up the Northern Kenya frontiers to attract more investment in the area that is 80 percent huge,home to biggest rivers,has fertile land,untapped renewable energy and home to 90 percent of wildlife but contribute the least to the GDP,this will be done by improving road networks and security to the areas which also account for 70percent of that national livestock.

Speaking during the opening ceremony of the Northern Kenya impact and investment conference at a Nairobi hotel the cabinet secretary has called on the Public, private, and development sector actors, financiers and investors to pledged their support for impact investments aimed at contributing to sustainable development of the region.

The one-day conference hosted by USAID Kuza and partners, themed “Why Northern Kenya, Why Now?”discussed the status, and opportunities and addressed constraints for investment in the region,exploring the growing need to close the funding gap hindering enterprise development in northern Kenya.

Over $14 million has been disbursed to over 9000 small and micro enterprises in the Northern Kenya
region through the Impact for Northern Kenya Fund targeting various sectors such as agriculture,livestock, energy, climate, and tourism.
The Fund, an impact investment wholesale financing vehicle lending catalytic capital to financial institutions for on-lending to micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) under the USAID Kuza project has seen the creation of over 16,500 jobs in the arid and semi-arid counties of Garissa, Isiolo,Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Samburu, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot.

Wyanie Bright,chief of party USAID Kuza

USAID Kuza, Chief of Party, Wyanie Bright,who spoke during the conference said: “The 'missing middle' small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to access appropriate financing to support their growth and development. By addressing the financing needs of the missing middle, stakeholders can empower
SMEs in Northern Kenya to grow, innovate, and create jobs, ultimately driving economic development and social progress in the region's growth and sustainable development of the region.

The 2023 Northern Kenya Impact Investment Conference is supported by USAID Feed the Future,ACDI/VOCA, USAID Kuza, USAID Livestock Market Systems, AV Ventures, Impact for Northern Kenya Fund,
GIZ, KCB Foundation, East Africa Seed, Middle East Bank, Kenya Union of Savings and Credit CoOperatives Ltd. (KUSCCO), Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (KCIC), Agricultural Finance Corporation
(AFC), Solargen Technologies Ltd., the County Government of West Pokot, WePesa SACCO, Lelan Farmers
SACCO, Fadhili Micro Enterprise Ltd., Incredo Access Solutions Ltd., First Capital Ltd., and Smart Regional Consultants.


Aspira Kenya a subsidiary of Mauritius based cim financial services Ltd has partnered with Hotpoint a trusted name in the world of home appliances to help Kenyan shoppers conveniently acquire home appliances and electronics on credit through 'buy now,pay later 'BNPL for a period of 24months.

In a statement COO of Aspira Mr. Irshad Mutur has said Kenyans aspire to have good life which has been made possible through the partnership that will make high end products more accessible to kenyans making quality appliances and comfortable lifestyle affordable to Kenyans.

 BNPL gross merchandise value in Kenya will increase from USD 1.4 billion in 2022 to reach USD 8.3billion by 2028.According to a report BNPL payments industry in Kenya has recorded strong growth over the last two years due to increased e-commerce penetration.

The report predicts that BNPL payments in the country are expected to grow by 51.6 percent on annual basis from sh 124billion USD 857.7million in 2022 to reach sh 310billion USD 2.1Billion at the end of 2023.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


MR.Sitoyo Lopokoyit chair kca university and MD Mpesa Africa

The Managing Director Mpesa Africa and the chairman of KCA University council Mr Sitoyo Lopokoyit has this afternoon delivered a powerful public lecture to the students and staff of the university aimed at changing the patterns and the future of work based on his life journey to the top.

Prof.Isaiah wakindiki VC KCA university and CEO KCA University 

In a bid to provoke thoughts away from the employment opportunities to creating employment,Mr Sitoyo has challenged the youths and the students to be creative and innovative inorder to fit in the workforce which is evolving and to remain focused in seizing business entrepreneural opportunities giving his life story on gabbage collection which propelled him to top.

KCA University is a premier business and technology university offering a wide range of programes that aim to foster the realization of sustainable economic development.


 Safaricom has today increased M-PESA transactions limit to KSh. 250,000 for each transaction. The move will see the addition of a new transaction band of KSh. 151,000 to KSh. 250,000 for Send Money, Lipa Na M-PESA BuyGoods, PayBill and all other transactions.

“We welcome the move by the Central Bank of Kenya to increase M-PESA transaction limits to KSh. 250,000. The increased transaction limits are a timely intervention as they will provide customers and businesses with additional convenience when doing business empowering them to do more from their phones,” said Peter Ndegwa, CEO – Safaricom.

The increased transaction limit follows approval by the Central Bank of Kenya and comes on the heels of the previous approval for daily limit and M-PESA limit increases to KSh. 500,000 per day from 14th August 2023.

Current maximum transaction fees will apply across the new bands including KSh. 108 per transaction for Send Money.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


APNAC member is Parliament reading a joint declaration

The African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption - Kenya Chapter (APNAC-Kenya) has voiced its  reservation  about the proposed amendments to the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003 and the kaluma bill on corruption.

Hon.shakeel Shabbir APNAC Chairman 

The proposed amendments if passed, risk eroding efforts in combating corruption and violating Kenya's constitutional principles and international commitments,Parliament has received a proposed amendment to the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act to delete Section 64 of the Act providing for the disqualification of persons convicted of corruption or economic crimes from being elected or appointed as public officers.

Starehe legislator Amos Mwago speaking during the round table

  APNAC  members of parliament have strongly opposed this proposed amendment which is inconsistent with the Constitution of Kenya and violates several constitutional provisions including National Values and Principles of Governance under Article 10 and Principles of Leadership and Integrity under Chapter Six of the Constitution on leadership and integrity.

Another proposed amendment to ACECA under section 45(2) (b) and (c) which seeks to remove accountability by public officials for offences related to noncompliance with procurement laws, procedures and guidelines and the implementation of unplanned projects. 

Kenyas  international commitments to combat corruption, including signing the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) requiring states to implement measures for disqualification or removal of individuals convicted of corruption from public office. The African Union 
Convention on Prevention and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) also requires state parties to adopt measures to hold individuals accountable including individuals who hold public office. The proposed amendments should be evaluated in light of these commitments to ensure Kenya's compliance with The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003 according to Busia senator Okiya Omtata who has called for involvement of police and in particular the OCS to be involved in the fight against corruption.

Speaking during the media rounda table in Nairobi Honourable Shakeel Shabbir kisumu East legislator and the chairman APNAC Kenya chapter has castigated Peter Kaluma who has ignored requests to withdraw his controversial bill on those involved in corruption.The legislator has said that Kaluma bill is not ODM party position bon the war against corruption with Amos Mwago member of Parliament for starehe backing him saying Party Leader ODM has been on the forefront in the war against corruption and that Kaluma position is personal,therefore call for a transparent and inclusive process that involves consultation with oversight agencies including the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the Office of the Auditor General, other oversight institutions, civil society, legal experts, and the public to ensure that aconomic crimes are averted and culprits punished.

The African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption - Kenya Chapter (APNAC-Kenya) is a network of parliamentarians dedicated to promoting transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption in Kenya.APNAC-Kenya works to foster collaboration among parliamentarians, civil society organizations, 


 Air-France KLM group airline expects Available Seats per Kilometer (ASK) among its airlines to go back to 2019 levels from 2024 following an increase in passenger capacity in the second half of 2023 by 8.2 per cent or 24.7 million passengers across its airlines compared to the same review period in June 2022. The percentage increase was at 88 per cent of 2019 levels.

According to the group's half-year results, as the capacity increased by 8.2 per cent and the passenger traffic grew by 11.6 per cent, the load factor increased by 2.6 points compared to last year, marking a significant step towards the airline's recovery and growth journey.

Giving his remarks on the performance and 2024 projections, AFKLM General Manager for East and Southern Africa, Nigeria, and Ghana Marius van der Ham said, “We are thrilled to see our airlines rebounding with such resilience after the turbulent times brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our commitment to innovation and adaptability has been pivotal in this journey. As we continue to invest in technology, customer experience, and sustainable aviation, we are confident that by 2024, we will not only recover to 2019 levels but also set new standards for the industry. This remarkable growth in passenger capacity and improved load factor is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team and the unwavering trust of our passengers."

For the third and fourth quarters of 2023, the group expects to register approximately 95 per cent capacity in Available Seat Kilometers to 128.69 million, a 13 per cent increase from the 114.26 million registered in 2022. In Africa, the ASK is expected to rise to 14.74 million up from 13.14 million registered in 2022. To do this, the Group remains agile in optimizing fleet, workforce, network, and costs and continues its sustainability efforts.

With increased passenger traffic, the group saw its net income for the review period grow by 88 per cent to KES 96.04 billion from KES 51 billion registered within the same review period in 2022. The revenues from ordinary activities went up 14 per cent to KES 1.19 trillion driven by a higher capacity (+8 per cent), a higher passenger load factor (+3 points), and a higher passenger yield (+9 per cent).


Lady Justice Joyce Aluoch giving her remarks 

The inaugural Nairobi Arbitration week hosted by Nairobi centre for international Arbitration has kicked off today at a Nairobi hotel seeking to promote Kenya as a preferred destination for arbitration.

The five day conference will adress harmonization of Arbitration laws and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and the place of young  arbitrators in the global space according to the chairperson of the arbitration board Jacqueline Oyuyo who spoke during the opening ceremony.

Hon.Gladys Boss shollei follows proceedings 

Nairobi centre for international Arbitration has administered a wide range of disputes from finance, construction, technology,supply and delivery with a case load value of over 147.6 billion Kenya shillings surpassing the 150th case registration mark.The centre has been awarded as the arbitral institution of the year 2022 and is ranked among top 5 arbitral institution in Africa under a survey conducted by SOAS University of London.

The conference themme is gearing up for the changing times, exploring perspectives for arbitration.

Monday, September 18, 2023



In a campaign dubbed 'Tumefungulia Magic'  MultiChoice Kenya the country’s leading pay tv and entertainment provider has today launched two brand new shows Zari and Ka-siri that are locally produced and will be accessible on Maisha Magic Plus on DStv access channel 163 and GOtv Plus channel 3.

“Ka-Siri”, a telenovela explores the proverbial theme of "the rich also cry". The gripping story unfolds around an extremely wealthy man, Zula, who is killed in a home invasion, leaving behind a home that is wrapped in passion, lies, discoveries, secrets and shocking revelations. Viewers will embark on a rollercoaster of drama to uncover who ultimately claims victory in the end. Ka-Siri boasts an impressive lineup of over 100 episodes, promising a long-lasting and captivating journey for its audience. Episodes will air every Monday to Wednesday at 19:30 EAT from Monday 9 October 2023.

Zari is a modern Cinderella story which follows the story of Nina, a young woman whose rightful family – and fortune are hidden from her. Will Nina and her true biological father, Dylan ever be reunited and will her adopted family pay for their duplicity? Zari premieres on Monday 23 October 2023,and will air every Monday to Friday at 20:30 EAT.

Notable  casts that will feature in Zari include renowned local actors like Brenda Wairimu and Sara Hassan while Ka-Siri will feature Janet Torome, Saada Fateh and Philip Munyau.

The launch of these new local shows promises a new level of entertainment with MultiChoice  commitment to delivering family-friendly exceptional entertainment experiences to its viewers with content that resonates with them according to Nzola Miranda, Managing Director MultiChoice Kenya.

Rashid Abdullah the producer and managing partner jiffy pictures expressed his appreciation to MultiChoice Kenya for the support to local productions in Kenya.“Film production is very expensive and as filmmakers, investing and putting money behind productions is not easy, access to finance and capital too has many barriers,” said Rashid as he louded the partnership with multichoice.

Multichoice has brought to its  customers over 89 shows (35 commissioned and 52 licensed), with up to 15 shows expected between April this year and March 2024 with annual investment of over 5million USD in content production and licensing. 


The Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Kenya and Daystar University on Wednesday 13th September 2023 formalized their collaboration through signing a Framework of collaboration. The aim of this partnership signed at Daystar University main campus Athi River is to enhance the impact of programs carried out by both organizations by combining their approaches, strategies, and initiatives.  

The partnership will see the two organizations collaborate in various environmental activities, youth empowerment activities including Entrepreneurship which is under the Leap Hubs program.

Daystar University Vice Chancellor Prof. Laban Ayiro and Mr. Daniel Juma Omondi the Country Director of the Global Peace Foundation Kenya signed the agreement. Speaking at the signing held at Daystar University in Athi River, GPF Kenya’s Country Director Mr. Daniel Juma Omondi hailed Daystar University for promoting quality and inclusive education. He also applauded Daystar University for collaborating with GPF- Kenya in past environmental activities. 

On his part the vice chancellor of Daystar University Prof. Laban Ayiro said the framework of collaboration will help strengthen the relationship between the two organizations and under this he mentioned “you get the best of others when you give the best of yourself.”

To kick start the engagement, the two organizations agreed to organize a business incubation and acceleration mentorship program to over 100 students in October 2023. The youth will be taken through a 4- day business development boot camp and a 1 -month business mentorship and coaching. This will be held at the Daystar Innovation Hub during the Innovation Festival scheduled for 16th -19th October, 2023.


 NCBA has today opened its new Migori branch at Val Plaza, in Migori Town, Migori County. This is in line with the bank's continued strategy to scale up its network of branches and bring services closer to customers in regions across the country.

The branch opening was inaugurated by the Migori Governor, H.E. Hon. Dr. Ochilo Ayacko, in an event attended by NCBA’s top leadership led by NCBA Group Director Retail Banking, Tirus Mwithiga.

Speaking during the branch opening, NCBA Group Director Tirus Mwithiga expressed delight at the opening of the new branch which will greatly facilitate the Bank’s customers.

“Migori Town is a commercial centre and serves as a market corridor to neighbouring communities in Uganda and Tanzania. This makes it the epicentre for vibrant business undertakings and opportunities. By opening a branch here, we have provided the residents with access to financial services customized to meet their individual needs” said Mr. Mwithiga.

In a bid to address customers’ needs, the Migori Branch will focus on providing customers with a broad range of financial products and solutions including savings and current accounts, loans, investment solutions for wholesalers, and asset finance solutions for retailers. The mobile and Internet banking services will also enable customers to access their accounts from anywhere at any time.


The new branch will service Migori Town customers and its greater environs, aiding the transborder trade from neighbouring countries and continuing to support and grow the area’s business opportunities.

“Migori Town, where we stand today, is more than just a dot on the map. It serves as a crucial link between Kenya and Tanzania, and it's the second most vibrant commercial centre in Luo-Nyanza, following Kisumu. Our county is teeming with potential, so we gather here with pride today. NCBA's decision to establish a branch here is a testament to the immense potential that Migori County holds. This branch’s opening is not just a local milestone but part of our journey towards national economic growth. As we progress, the NCBA branch in Migori will catalyze business expansion, financial empowerment, and a better quality of life for our people,” said Migori Governor, H.E. Hon. Ochilo Ayacko.


LG Electronics has rolled out new energy-efficient technologies and products, reaffirming its commitment to realizing a sustainable future.


The products which include an LG Therma VTM R290 Monobloc Air-to-Water Heat Pump (AWHP) and the LG DUAL Inverter Heat Pump™ dryer were unveiled during a media briefing at the IFA 2023, centred on the importance of electrification and highlighted the use of advanced core technologies to enhance energy efficiency.


The move is also part of LG's in-house development and manufacturing strategy to actively drive advancements in fundamental components, including the compressors and motors used in LG heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.


Commenting on the rollout LG Electronics EA Managing Director Dongwon Lee said the new innovations are aimed at delivering appliances that offer unparalleled performance and reliability.


“The advanced technologies and sustainable solutions introduced at our tech briefing at IFA 2023 are designed to help consumers live better, both now and in the future. Moving forward, through our environmentally-conscious home appliances and business strategy, we will continue to make a positive difference for people and the planet.” Said Dongwon Lee.


Of the new products, the LG Therma VTM R290 Monobloc Air-to-Water Heat Pump (AWHP) provides powerful heating to help create a warm, comfortable indoor environment. The cutting-edge AWHP is equipped with an array of efficiency-boosting LG technologies and utilizes R290 refrigerant, which has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of only three. The solution also ensures convenient maintenance with a remote support feature that enables quick software updates and the easy application of installer settings.


The heat pump technology applied to the Therma V R290 Monobloc can also be found in a variety of LG’s efficient home appliances, including its heat pump dryers and washer-dryer model. Employing two cylinders that work simultaneously to compress the refrigerant, the LG DUAL Inverter Heat Pump™ dryer achieves faster drying times and provides a better performance than a conventional dryer.


In addition, the recently unveiled LG SIGNATURE second-generation washer-dryer features the company’s own inverter heat pump drying module, which boosts energy efficiency, improves drying results and reduces fabric damage.


LG’s own smart home platform, LG ThinQ™, lets users seamlessly connect all of their household appliances for a smarter, more convenient user experience. The ThinQ app makes it possible to effortlessly control each appliance, manage the entire HVAC system, and monitor energy storage and consumption in real time.


Kenya and Netherlands trade ties have been strengthened by the visiting of Dutch trade delegation to Nairobi seeking to improve effecient trade focusing on Kenya as gateway to East Africa and regional trade hub.

The visit by Dutch delegation will culminate to visit of kenyas infrastructure including the  port in Mombasa,Internal container deport in Naivasha to seek partnerships with Dutch companies with focus on trade and investments and improving the transport corridors according to Netherlands Ambassador HE Maarten Brouwer.

Cabinet secretary for transport kipchumba Murkomen has louded to trade relationships to support development in Kenya and East Africa  featuring Seventeen Dutch companies which want to in invest in Kenya blue economy and transport infrastructures.Deconjesting the urban centres and improving connectivity ,connect the railway line to Malaba and congo and develop industrial parks and expanding terminal connectivity at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport been one of the busiest airport in Africa.

Lamu corridor connectivity to Ethiopia and Somalia is an enabler for enhanced trade and regional integration with opportunities for investment.Moyale and isiolo need for development of inland container deports in opening up the new transport corridor an opportunity that can be tapped by the Dutch companies and create more jobs to Kenyans with government commiting to providing condusive business environment.

Kenya is the sixth largest Avocado producer in the world and Netherlands is the second largest Avocado exporter in the world therefore need for trade collaborations to boost trade between the two countries.kenyas exports to Netherlands  doubled in the last years to a tune of 70 billion.Flowers from Kenya,Tea,coffee and mangoes are also among the top products found in Dutch supermarkets.


 Kenyans living in the US stand to gain from a new banking product that allows users to earn interest and pay reduced fees on international remittances. The new product dubbed Sendwave Pay was recently launched by digital remittance company Sendwave. The new solution provides existing Sendwave users access to a FDIC-insured bank account with an accompanying debit card. This makes Sendwave the only major remittance provider with such an offering in the US.

Sendwave Pay, which is available to users via the Sendwave app on iOS and Android, has the following features:

  • A bank account with no hidden account creation, maintenance or minimum balance fees
  • Access to up to 0.4% improvement on exchange rates and up to 25% savings on transaction fees on remittances to Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, and Liberia when using the funds in their accounts.
  • A Sendwave Pay debit card to use on every day transactions;
  • Reimbursements for international transaction fees when using their Sendwave Pay debit card outside of the US;
  • Earn up to 0.51% APY on the money held in their Sendwave Pay account

For migrants, opening a bank account is considered an important step to establishing themselves and helps to achieve financial autonomy. Sendwave Pay is the first neobank offering within Zepz, the Group powering global remittance brands Sendwave and WorldRemit. Zepz intends to continually invest in migrant-focused financial offerings around the world, including Kenya.

Eric Huynh, Product Lead, Sendwave Pay, Zepz said: "The way that people use and access money has drastically changed over the last decade. We created Sendwave Pay to better meet the needs of our customers, who are dynamically considering how they manage their money both for themselves and for loved ones abroad."

Zepz’s launch of Sendwave Pay comes amid an economic slowdown and higher borrowing costs in the US, which is the leading source of remittances to Kenya. Kenyans living in the US sent a total of $2.33 billion back home in 2022, representing more than half of the total $4.02 billion of diaspora remittances in 2022, according to data from the Central Bank of Kenya. (CBK).

Sunday, September 17, 2023


ushersKenya ushering in the prime cabinet secretary Musalia Mudavadi

UshersKenya one of the finest models gracing high end  red carpet events in Kenya have evolved to be one of the most sought after refined and disciplined ushers to user international and local VIPs in events.Recently they Ushered the president at Madaraka day celebrations held in Embu. 

UshersKenya in their new official uniform 

"Persistently I forged forward towards a dream i prayed and hoped that one day God would be gracias enough to make it a reality" said the founder of the team Madam Caroline wambui popularly known as Carol Ushers across social media platforms and at work.

Three  years later the team UshersKenya unveiled their new official uniform at a function attended by Maryann Itara the daughter of the Prime Cabinet Secretary Hon Musalia Mudavadi.

ushersKenya beauties in new uniform

Usherskenya has evolved to become a great platform for women empowerment as protocal services and a leading events ushers in the country.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...