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Monday, October 30, 2023


 Kenyans can now access affordable locally assembled smartphones following the launch of the state-of-the-art East Africa Device Assembly Kenya Limited, located in Athi River.

The device assembly factory was set-up as a joint venture of local Mobile Network Operators and International device manufacturers . The devices which will be available countrywide at Faiba shops and dealer stores as well as Safaricom shops and Masoko online platform will retail from KES. 7499.

The anchor mobile phone devices at launch will be the 4G-enabled Neon 5” “Smarta” and 6 ½” “Ultra”, with further devices diversifying the product range to be launched in the next few months, including a locally assembled tablet.

The factory which is in fulfillment of government’s promise to establish local smartphone assembly capacity in Kenya has been built with a capacity to produce up to 3million mobile phone units annually.

“This assembly plant will support government’s agenda to enhance digital inclusion in the country. We have been able to achieve affordability through a collaborative approach that comprises industry partnership and favourable government policies,” said Joshua Chepkwony, Chairman of EADAK.

Additionally, it is projected that the factory will generate between 300 and 500 direct jobs, foster local talent development and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

“The launch of EADAK reaffirms our belief in the power of connectivity to transform lives and drive economic progress. This partnership underscores our relentless pursuit to expand 4G access and empower Kenyans through affordable, high-quality smartphones, create employment opportunities and grow our economy,” said Peter Ndegwa, CEO, Safaricom.


Absa Bank Kenya has rolled out an initiative that seeks to celebrate Kenyans' resilience and educate them on appropriate measures to improve their personal financial wellness as well as enhance their capacity to access necessary funds to achieve their goals.

Dubbed, Every Kind of Financial Solution for Every Kind of You, the Bank is reinforcing its commitment to financial wellness amongst Kenyans through solutions, tools and tips that will enable them to rise above the different aspects of their life as well as the impact of financial decisions on one's future.

To complement this, the initiative delivers a holistic set of financial services by enhancing key online banking features: savings at a competitive rate of 9% p.a. with monthly payouts, making digital loan top-ups accessible through all platforms, and providing access to insurance. 

Absa Bank Kenya's Customer Network Director, Peter Mutua has reaffirmed the Bank's dedication to empowering Kenyans with an overall goal to help improve the financial health of individuals through democratizing access, and education on managing credit and investments while streamlining their savings and insurance needs.“We acknowledge and celebrate the diverse nature of Kenyans and the “different hats they wear” in their lives. As a financial partner, we are continuously developing relevant solutions that meet our customers’ specific needs” said Mutua. 

Under this effort, Kenyans can now access valuable financial tips and knowledge through a wide range of media platforms, both online and offline. This initiative aligns with the banking industry's financial literacy campaign, aimed at fostering a culture of savings among the youth and the general public in the country.

The Bank last year invested up to KES 2 billion in technological upgrades that have significantly improved the way consumers experience the brand. This included the introduction of the digital onboarding platform, a virtual self-service process where customers can open an account and transact independently in under 12 minutes. 


The African Centre for Corrective and Preventive Action (ACCPA)  had called a press conference in Nairobi Kenya to address the delayed justice for victims of British Army Training Unit(Batuk) as Kenya plays host for His Majesty King Charles III and Queen Camilla first Africa visit to Kenya.A contingent of civilian and uniformed police was send to bar the press from accessing the Boulevard hotel the venue for the press conference with officers turning away journalists at the gate and the victims who had come from samburu and laikipia.

The  Center a non-governmental organisation based in Kenya working to promote and protect human rights, socio-economic justice, technological and environmental rights of all citizens in Kenya had earlier this month moved to court seeking to have the Attorney General, Interior Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Defense Cabinet Secretary, Office of the Director of Public Prosecution and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations inform the court on the status of the matter.However the centre has vowed  not relent until justice for Agnes Wanjiru is delivered.

Kenyans and several communities backed by Kenya human rights lobby group have come together to voice their reservations on the conduct of British military personnel and wish to get the attention of His Majesty King Charles III and Queen Camilla and the British government.

"While we acknowledge the importance of the partnerships between our governments, we wish to express our dissatisfaction in the way the British government has handled several matters pertaining the conduct of the British Army under Batuk with whom Kenya has had a long-standing relationship. It has been 11 and a half years since Agnes Wanjiru, a hairdresser based in Nanyuki, was brutally murdered by an Army medic under Batuk. This has since been proven by a public inquest which was concluded on November 5, 2019.Nonetheless, the killers of Agnes Wanjiru continue to walk free and the British authorities have been complicit in not only covering up the murder but also shielding justice" said James Mwangi the centre chairman.

The key suspect in the murder of Agnes is well known former medic in the British Army and his identity is an ‘open secret’ within the British military ranks, it is quite disappointing and appalling that British authorities continue shielding the suspect from justice despite pledging full cooperation in the matter where Kenya has full jurisdiction .Kenya on its part demonstrated cooperation in transnational investigations and assisted in extradition of suspects wanted by British authorities, therefore call for  the UK  to do the same in the matter of Agnes Wanjiru and immediately extradite the suspect in the murder of Agnes.

Friday, October 27, 2023


Naivas Supermarket today launched their annual Christmas Campaign popularly known  as Kikwetu which will run from 27th October to 18thbJanuary 2024. This year’s Christmas campaign marks the 13th edition since the launch of the
first Kikwetu in 2011. Kikwetu which simply translates to “our way” has endeavoured over the years to remain authentically Kenyan while delivering memorable experiences to customers through thematic campaigns during the festive season.

“Speaking during the launch, Peter Mukuha, Naivas Chief of Operations said, “On 12th October, we made history by hitting triple digits in store count, we opened our 100th branch. This is a feat that no other supermarket in Kenya both local and international has managed to achieve. This is a historic moment, not just for us but win for every customer who has ever shopped with us, a win for every supplier who has entrusted us to sell their wares. Most importantly every town that has welcomed us with open arms. It took us 33 years, 2 months and 12 days to get to 100 branches.

The campaign will see Naivas give over and above the discounts and over 20,000 gift vouchers together with  over 1000 of iconic mbuzi up for grabs.The winning process is very hustle-free process one needs to simply present Reward Card at the till while playing.

The campaign seeks to welcome Kenyans to celebrate this new journey of going beyond 100 with  since this is truly their celebration and Kenyans deserve something positive to celebrate. We also want to remind Kenyans that no matter how big the business grows, we shall always maintain the local and personal touch; every Naivas Kilocol will continue to serve them diligently as we always have with unmistakable Kenyan hospitality.


Bela Risu Medical centre located in Ngara area of starehe constituency in Nairobi Kenya has this morning held celebrations to mark it's first year since it was started to give hope to children born with cleft.

Speaking during the celebration at the hospital Dr Martin  kamau CEO reconstructive and maxillofacial surgery at the hospital has said over three hundred patients have benefited from cleft lip and cleft palate
surgery,orthodontics,speech therapy, psychotherapy and nutritional support for that last one year.

Challenges faced by children born with cleft lip include feeding problems, stigmatization,poor development of hearing and speech problems.

The hospital foundation has conducted more than seven thousand cleft surgeries for free at international standards,it  also offers training and research on cleft anomalies.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Story by Brenda Asugu,staff writter 

The permanent secretary(PS) of Public service Mr Amos Gatheca has put across pragmatic reforms that will effectively propel the adminstration of the state department of public service .

Among the key reforms that have been set by the ministry include guiding and councelling desk in all the Huduma Centres, Addition of Huduma Centres across the 47 Counties ,Creation of Employment for the youth overseas , Registration of all human resources counterparts ,extermination of the issues of corruption and post retirement medical implementation.

According to Mr Gatheca the implementation of Mental health desk at Huduma will play a crucial role in supporting the public servant and also psychological health support and other pressing issues .The PS talked about post retirement medical scheme that is expected to cater for the well-being of the public servant after service. 
He addressed the issues of employment which included creation of employment for the youth overseas .He said ,"

The government is looking forward to lias with countries in the middle East that will employ young people to go and work and this trajectory will benefit the country interns of foreign exchange this will also help in building a healthy welfare for Kenyan workers in foreign countries ".
He added , "the government of Kenya has diligently increased the intake of internship for students from 3,000 to 20,000 and inclusion of the private sector that will collectively solve the issue of unemployment among the youth" .
Mr. Gathetha has played a pivotal role in establishing counseling desks within Huduma Centres across the nation. As a civil serdecades of experience, Mr. Gathetha’s legacy in Kenya’s civil service is marked by innovation.

Mr Gatheca also addressed the issues of data registration in all sectors of employment that will help counter the issue of forgery of certificates and incompetency in all departments. The PS has also pushed on new taskforce reforms for all human resource servants in all sectors to be registered in a union to curb the issues of quacks and corruption across the public service.

However ,the PS shared the plans conveyed by the government to increase the number Huduma Centres across the 47 Counties that will enable diversity of government service in the Mashinani areas which will bring about sustainability and accessibility of service like collection of good conducts and application of Passports 
Amos Gathetha’s path to reform has not been without obstacles. He has faced resistance from vested interests and encountered the complexities of battling corruption. 

Nonetheless, his unwavering commitment to the greater good and his vision for a responsive and effi cient civil servicecontinue to drive progress.As a civil servant with over three decades of experience, Mr. Gathetha’s legacy in Kenya’s civil service is marked by innovation and meaningful change. Looking ahead,he remains dedicated to further reforms and is exploring new avenues to transform Kenya’s public administration. His exemplary leadership and visionary initiatives serve as an inspiration, not only to civil servants but to the entire nation, as Kenya works.


The African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) in collaboration with Kenya's Ministry of Environment, Climate Change & Forestry has  hosted a three-day Pre-COP 28 AGNES Strategy Meeting in Nairobi Kenya aiming to bring together experts, negotiators, and stakeholders to prepare
African delegates for the upcoming COP28 to be held in UAE.

“As AGNES, we believe these interactions between scientists and negotiators are key in ensuring that our positions are framed to succeed as they enable negotiators to effectively engage their counterparts with facts and ensure that Africa’s voice is not just heard, but also respected and create the impact we all desire,” said Dr. George  Wamukoya team lead AGNES.

Africa is currently facing  impacts of climate change, which are severely affecting
economic growth, sustainable development, and the livelihoods of its people. The region's heavy
reliance on rain-fed agriculture, coupled with climate-sensitive sectors,poverty, and
limited institutional and infrastructural capabilities, presents a significant challenge for adaptation and building climate resilience.

 Extreme weather events due to climate change such as droughts, floods, storms, and wildfires have seen a dramatic increase in recent decades, leading to a massive humanitarian crisis
with dire consequences for economies, health, education, peace, and security which the Pre-COP 28 AGNES Strategy Meeting aims to address.

The meeting was organized into seven segments, each dedicated to a specific topic relevant to
climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa including  an agreement on the
strategy for African negotiators at COP28, a consolidated common African position on various
climate-related issues, increased awareness of emerging areas of interest, and a strategy for
enhancing African participation in IPCC processes.



The National Stakeholders Forum discussing Climate Resilience and Water Security in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) of Kenya held at a Nairobi hotel has concluded today with stakeholders calling for water security.The Forum aims to shared the REACH Programme research findings to inform National and County Government policies, strategies and plans on groundwater security in the ASAL.

Speaking during the two day conference the stakeholders called for environmental conservation to ensure dams are not silted,this will improve water availability and also shifting focus to climate resilient crops.water infrastructure is key in order to achieve water security and make weather forecast more presise.

Finance of water and sanitation and innovation was also discussed at length aiming to rise billions and mobilise resources to ensure water security,This also features financing of research to attract donor funding.

 The conference was organised by  the Ministry of Water,Sanitation and Irrigation (MWSI) in collaboration with the REACH Kenya programme  based at the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation and the University of Nairobi.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


NCBA Group and Visa, a global leader in digital payments, have announced a partnership to roll out an innovative solution dubbed Visa Spend Clarity for Enterprise for commercial card clients of NCBA. Visa Spend Clarity is part of Visa Commercial Solutions’ suite of products and services for business of all sizes.


Visa Spend Clarity is an online Spend and Expense management platform that offers businesses visibility and control over their expenses and improves their overhead reporting. The enhanced data and reporting helps in resource optimization and better cash flow management. The platform is available both as a Web UI or Mobile Application for android or IOS.


The tool can be customized as per the requirements, creating access at various levels, enabling stakeholders in the corporate with relevant set of reports and data. The data can also be integrated with ERP or extracted for upload into accounting platforms. The expense management capability helps in digitizing expense claim process, making it paperless with capabilities like OCR and receipt upload with multiple approval levels.


Commenting on the development, NCBA Group, Retail Director, Mr. Tirus Mwithiga noted, “At NCBA, we are continually working to ensure that our customers’ needs are met. Visa Spend Clarity is one way to do this as we help our corporate clients manage and track their expenses. I am excited for this new phase of NCBA’s journey that will undoubtedly grow our clients’ businesses.”


The Visa Spend Clarity tool is part of NCBA’s strategy to enhance their digital offering by connecting customers to new digital channels. In 2022, the bank onboarded 146 new corporate customers, growing the gross loan book by KES 8bn to KES 171 bn and deposits from KES 6bn to KES 243bn. The division’s operating profit increased by 87% to KES 10.5bn.


Friday, October 20, 2023


The Inaugural Conference on Accelerating Agriculture Adaptation in Africa held in Abuja Nigeria that started on October 16th has culminated to a joint declaration drawing attention to demands and recommendations for fostering the development of the sector on the continent.

The conference  sought to galvanize a critical mass of actors towards accelerated agricultural adaptation, including stimulating smallholder farmers’ proactive engagement in international climate dialogue and intervention processes.

In her closing remarks, Prof. Aduabobo Ibitoru Hart, a board member of CSDevNet, commended
PACJA for organizing the resourceful and insightful conference and said that the conference has been a sign that Africans can come together and unite for the fight against Climate change,“For three days, we have learnt a lot and if PACJA was an academic institution you all would go back home with degrees. Now I Call you for collaboration, coordination for improving on what you are doing in your respective countries by improving your local knowledge and practice in
agriculture adaptation”, called Prof. Aduabobo before adding that “It is good to learn but it is
better to implement”

Exchanges and presentations during the three days of the conference revolved around the role of
policies and laws governing land and agriculture to enable Africa to come up with an adaptative
solution in the sector,a move that will be kept in check by having the Africa Adaptation conference held bi annually.

Dr Ndidi Abano, representing the Pan African Parliament disclosed that as the Pan African
People’s Assembly, they are in the process of harmonizing laws and policies governing Climate
change and provided an example of a model law that was adopted during the recent third Pan
African Parliamentary Summit on Climate Policy and Equity. She said that Civil society has a role
in driving the agenda and that PACJA has been doing it successfully by bringing together
stakeholders for constructive discussions on climate change issues and other connected matters.

Africa’s agriculture mentioned in the Agenda 2063 of the African Union which states that this
sector will be modern and productive, using science, technology, innovation and indigenous
knowledge. The programme elaborates that hand hoe will be banished by 2025 and that the
sector will be modern, profitable and attractive to the continent’s youths and women.
Samuel Ogallah (PhD) - Senior Climate Change Advisor at the African Union indicated that the
conference organized by PACJA and partners is in line with the implementation of the agricultural adaptation.

 The conference was jointly organized by PACJA in collaboration with the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and various other partners and brought together Ministries of Agriculture, UN and AU agencies/departments, and regional economic integration communities dealing with agriculture, smallholder farmers' organizations (national and regional), agricultural research and policy organizations, academic institutions and think tanks, key policymakers (parliamentarians networks), outstanding women's associations/start-ups and innovators, youth start-ups and innovators and civil society organizations.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Global household  hygiene brand Dettol has today at Kibera primary school in Nairobi launched a campaign to promote hand washing  targeting more than ten thousand school going children in kibera and Mathare slums.

According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), two out of every five schools worldwide lack essential handwashing facilities, thus exposing students to a multitude of diseases. Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that unclean hands are the main mode of illness transmission in approximately 80 percent of cases, and bringing it home, the 2023 Kenya Economic Survey shows that in 2022, healthcare facilities reported four million cases of diarrheal diseases, with the majority of these cases affecting children.

Themmed ' clean hands are within reach' the campaign will run for a period of one month and will selected schools provided with water  tanks and state or art washing stations in a bid to promote good hygiene to school kids.

Half of school going children in the world lack basic hygiene affecting more than seventeen billion kids across the globe.This made Detol provide top notch household hygiene products to promote hand washing culture.

The global hand washing day is celebrated every 15th October and this year it has coincided with Detol hand wash campaign,to ensure the success of this campaign, Dettol has partnered with Shining Hope for Communities (Shofco), a local advocacy organization that serves the needs of over 350,000 urban slum residents across ten different slum communities in three major cities in Kenya.



 Power management company Eaton has launched the Gen2 version of essential line interactive UPS 5E in Kenya. 5E Gen 2 is an affordable and reliable power protection solution for the most essential applications in both residential and professional settings, ensuring reliable connectivity even at the most critical moments.


The compact and reliable solution now covers a wider range of ratings (550 – 2200VA), operating even more silently for a better customer experience. 5E Gen 2 is also a champion of global compatibility coupled with high-quality standards.


The wide product range covers the power requirements of many IT devices providing perfect protection for computers, workstations and peripherals. This UPS is also a sustainable solution due to reduced power consumption, regulating grid fluctuations and saving battery life for an actual outage.


Commenting on this, Parag Mendiratta, Regional Manager, Eaton Electric East Africa said, ‘’ Eaton's 5E Gen2 UPS is well suited for the market and provides a suitable shield against power outages and grid fluctuations. Kenya is a highly industrial and digital market, which calls for uninterrupted access to power in our industrial and residential spaces. To meet the need for a seamless flow of activities in our businesses and homes, we’re excited to deliver a UPS that integrates automatically into most common operating systems, providing an effortless connection with any equipment. The UPS is designed with the user in mind and incorporates a silent fanless design which allows users to progress with their work/leisure with minimal distractions in residential settings.’’


Equipped with double-boost line interactive topology (AVR), the 5E Gen2 UPS has a wider input voltage window which helps to save battery power in the event of a power outage. Further, the 5E Gen2 batteries are permanently recharged (even when off) with users having the ability to analyze and control power usage with the Eaton UPS Companion software.


Saturday, October 14, 2023


BY Brenda Asugu .

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry, World Bank and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have sets aside 10.6 Million Hectares Restoration Target that will boost the chart path 30%forest cover in Kenya 
Speaking at the The Kenya Landscapes Forum , Principal Secretary(PS), State Department for Environment and Climate Change Festus Ngeno said: “Landscape and ecosystem restoration cannot take a silo approach. All ecosystems are interconnected, and interventions in ecosystems must speak to each other, and what more, partners’ interventions and activities must also speak to each other.”

However ,the Principal Secretary(PS) State Department for Wildlife Silvia Museiya added ,"there was need to resit and reth our natural resources can be conserved". 

During the forum , Opportunities and Challenges, representatives from various Government ministries, development partners and civil society actors shared the best models of landscape restoration and financing mechanisms from across Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Costa Rica.   

Ms Ruth Tiffer-Sotomayor, Senior Environmental Specialist and AREECA’s Task Team Lead at World Bank, said: “This landscape restoration forum organized with the government and our AREECA partners main objective was to bring together the different stakeholders to share the work that we have been doing under AREECA and shared Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) investments on going in the country the GoK, Private sector, civil society and bring lessons learned of other FLR projects in other countries to support the government in the ongoing preparation of the National Landscape Strategy understanding in FLR investments.” 

The World Bank team on the other hand shared the findings of a preliminary study on the cost benefit analysis of different business models for sustainable forest landscape restoration interventions in selected areas of Makueni, Taita-Taveta and Kwale. 

The Bank provided information about the degradation affecting these areas and the importance to target landscape restoration in this corridor which is a biodiversity hotspot area connecting the East and West Tsavo National Parks and an important water tower for lowlands areas. Some of the challenges noted included increased land degradation and human-wildlife conflict worsened by climate change.

Johannes Kirchgatter, Officer Africa Projects, WWF-Germany, said: “This is a unique chance for a truly participatory planning process to jointly restore the fantastic ecosystems of Kenya in a holistic way. Addressing not only the precious water towers but also often neglected ecosystems such as savannahs, rangelands and wetlands is crucial to secure livelihoods, ecosystem functions like water flow and the unique wildlife of Kenya.”

Martin Mulama - Manager, the Southern Kenya Landscape Programme, WWF-Kenya pointed out that “Large-scale restoration approaches in Amboseli have provided best models for replication in other landscapes across the country.He noted that the interventions have led to successful restoration of expansive landscapes, including rangelands and farmlands, and contributed to increased involvement of local communities and improvement of livelihoods.”

The forum brought togetherleading global scientists, activists, indigenous leaders, financiers, policymakers, the private sector, and practitioners in landscape Restoration which enable d them to share insights on global landscape restoration challenges in response to extreme weather conditions and unprecedented changes in global climate conditions.

Friday, October 13, 2023


Nominated Member of Parliament Hon. Irene "Renee" Mayaka expressed her confidence in the Kenyan women's football team, Harambee Starlets, qualifying for the upcoming Women's World Cup. Hon. Renee shared her thoughts after attending the Kenya versus Angola women's under 20 match, which Kenya won ahead of the return leg in Angola next weekend.

Congratulating the team on their victory, Hon Renee commended the girls and wished them the best for the return leg. She emphasized that Kenyan women's football has a promising future and envisioned their participation in the World Cup finals, be it in the under 20, under 23, or senior women's category. The MP from Nyamira praised the well-planned preparations and steady improvement of the team.

Hon. Renee, previously a dedicated fan and supporter of both Gor Mahia FC and Shabana, has now shifted her full allegiance to the newly promoted Football Kenya Federation premier league side, Shabana FC. Alongside other Women MPs, she showed her support for the Women's under 20 national team, known as "the rising starlets," highlighting their ability to bring joy to Kenyans. She also made a personal donation to the team, demonstrating her commitment to their success.

As a passionate football enthusiast, Hon. Renee expressed her excitement about the game and extended her congratulations to Harambee Starlets. She urged everyone to rally behind the team and support their journey towards the World Cup dream. With their unwavering support and the collective efforts of the nation, Team Kenya aims to make its mark on the global stage.


International School of Kenya, a private, non-profit co-educational day school on the outskirts of
Nairobi, has announced its 2024 High School Scholarship Program. 

The program provides opportunities for low to middle-income Kenyan students to participate in an academically rich and culturally diverse learning environment.

Scholarship applications are now being accepted for students entering Grade 9 or Grade 10 in
August 2024. Applications are open only to Kenyan citizens with proven financial need, and in
order to qualify, applicants must be 14 years of age by July 2024. Applicants must have
completed Standard 8, Year 9, or Form 1 and have high academic achievement and sound
leadership skills. Applicants must also have the ability to live in Nairobi with family or legal

Students meeting the above criteria can visit the ISK website to begin the application process
and submit their applications by January 12, 2024. Selection will be based on merit and proven
financial need. Recipients of a full scholarship, valued at over Ksh. 20 million (4-year
scholarship at ISK), will be announced in May 2024.

The scholarship recipients are entitled to up to 100% reduction in tuition & fees at the
International School of Kenya. In addition, the admission fee, bus fee, IB exam fees, and capital
levy fee are fully covered by the scholarship. A student who has been awarded a scholarship
will be entitled to receive it for the duration of their time at ISK, provided the student remains in
good standing, academically and socially.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Firebrand legislator Gathoni wamuchomba has today chaired the committee of constitution implementation overnight.

The committee reviewed the working relationship between the National Police Service Commission (NPSC) and the Inspector General of police(IG).

Cabinet secretary Interior and National Government Coordination Prof Kithure Kindiki who spoke during the committee assured it that it's work in oversight will be free from interfearance.The CS also assured Kenyans that the Haiti Mission is very competitive and the police officers that will be deployed are for for task.


Naivas chain stores has today in Nairobi opened it's hundredth branch at kingara road in the affluent lavington area following a vigorous campaign dubbed the road to hundred.

The chain store that is currently leading in the country has created more than twelve  thousand jobs to kenya.Naivas is a family business that has evolved through the years to be a giant store since it started thirty three years ago,it's expansion plan will see it compeat with multi nationals in the country.

Naivas will continue expanding, the rising cost of living has made the chain store partner with suppliers to offer discounts to customers,consumer spending affected resulting to nnovations to meet customer expections.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


By Peace Muthoka 

 The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) has announced the operalization of the new KNCCI China Branch Office, located in Changsha during China Flag-Off Breakfast ceremony this morning at the Panafric Sarova Hotel in Nairobi.

Speaking at the event,the KNCCI President,Erick Rutto said that KNCCI's expansion into China is a strategic move aimed at advancing economic cooperation between Kenya and one of the world's largest economies.

"We are confident that our presence in China will open up new opportunities for Kenyan businesses and entrepreneurs and contribute to the growth of our nation's economy,"he said.

He remarked that the new office will enable KNCCI to identify business opportunities, particularly in the export of meat and meat products, a sector that remains largely untapped.

Chief Representative for KNCCI China Branch, Mr. Fredrick Mukilya in his remarks noted that the office would play a critical function in facilitating trade and investment, attract more investment, promote visibility and awareness of Kenyan products and also protection of businesses through arbitration adding that setting up of the office will also give businesses confidence to work with China.

Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Zhang Yijun,congratulated KNCCI on this significant achievement and affirmed the embassy's dedication to enhancing trade between the two nations.

At the same time Ms. Caroline Gathoni, CEO of Laskia Ventures Ltd, encouraged attendees to capitalize on the office, highlighting the substantial demand for Kenyan products, especially in the sisal and leather industry.

KNCCI expressed its gratitude to DTB bank for taking a prominent role in sponsoring the KNCCI China Branch, recognizing the bank's dedicated China desk, which bridges the language barrier between businesses. The bank also plays a pivotal role as a financial partner, promoting export and import finances.

KNCCI also extended its appreciation to the Government of China for providing the office space, expressing their eagerness to enhance and promote Kenyan culture and tourism through this new establishment.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


BY Brenda Asugu.

 Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu on the second opening of the African Continental Qualification framework (ACQF )training urges African nations to bridge between education and work .

Both Principal Secretaries Dr Juma Mukwana Principal Secretary state department (PS ) and Dr Esther Muoria principal Secretary (PS) vacational and technical training emphasised on value and qualifications which will be undergoing pragmatic dynamic transformation.

According to Machogu he considers Africa as a pivotal juncture in evolution of labour market in education system and champions policies that adapt in response to the seismic shift expanding their embracing and digital age .

 As she convened the second opening of Workshop she said that globally, there is an urgent need to fortify our qualifications frameworks. A country that invests in policies aiming to give credibility and align qualifications with emerging global trends is a foresighted nation.The role, value, and currency of qualifications are undergoing a profound transformation, influenced by global megatrends that have reshaped our world. 

These megatrends, includes digitalization, automation, demographic shifts, climate change, and the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic which have significantly altered the link between our education systems and the labor market that will not only contribute to Sustainable Development but also the boarder objectives of skil revolution ,social inclusion and enhancement of employability for every segment of the population.

"We must build a bridge between education and work, underpinned by qualifications of the highest quality that are trustworthy and recognized at all levels" said the Esther Muoria principal secretary (PS ) Vactional and Technical training.

Acting Director of Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) Dr Alice Kande wholeheartedly acknowledged the vital role of qualification framework in defining the relavance and quality of education .

In her speech she noted that the pursuit of knowledge and honouring skills are the ones that navigate the uncharted waters of the evolving world .she also emphasized on the significance of African nations developing their qualifications framework and to consider the issue of education reforms that will have positive impacts and response to the labour market.

According to KNQA Council Chairperson and former Baringo Governor Stanley Tipis implementation of ACQF is a timely interventionthat are aimed at addressing ills that have previously plagued the continent education system .The education reforms will bring pragmatic response in the labour market .

Thursday, October 5, 2023


 As Kenya grapples with an alarming surge in phone theft cases, Xecure, a cutting-edge mobile phone security application, has emerged as a powerful tool designed to safeguard smartphones against theft.

The rampant rise in phone theft incidents has prompted the development of Xecure, a comprehensive mobile security app boasting a range of innovative features. With smartphones increasingly holding sensitive data and being indispensable for communication and everyday tasks, the need for enhanced protection has never been more apparent.

According to the latest annual report on crime by the National Police, various types of theft, including that of mobile devices accounts for at least 21% of all crime reported in the country. Last month, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations arrested a suspected mobile theft kingpin with hundreds of devices in his premises. The Communications Authority of Kenya, in recognition of the seriousness of phone theft, has initiated plans to block phones that are reported as stolen from accessing any mobile networks within the country. 

Charles Maxwell Opondo, CEO of Xecure, said, 'With the launch of Xecure, we aim to revolutionize mobile phone security in Kenya. Our goal is to empower individuals to protect their smartphones and the valuable data they contain, ultimately reducing phone theft incidents and providing peace of mind to users. In a country where mobile phones have become indispensable to daily life, Xecure stands as a formidable ally against the rising tide of phone theft. With Xecure, users can reclaim control over their devices and protect their digital world more effectively.”

Xecure introduces four distinct security modes, each tailored to provide comprehensive protection in different usage scenarios. Pocket/Bag Mode activates proximity sensors to detect unauthorized access when the phone is stored in a pocket or bag. Desk Mode is designed for times is placed on a desk or table. This mode utilizes motion sensors to detect any movement. Charging Mode activates when a phone is connected to its charger, and headphones mode kicks in when the user is using their wired headsets. 

Xecure is equipped with a touch-sensitive alarm system. Even if a thief manages to physically touch the phone, the application will respond with a loud alarm, drawing attention to the theft attempt and potentially thwarting it.

In addition to the four advanced security modes, Xecure features a SIM-change alert system. If a thief attempts to swap the phone's SIM card, the app sends an immediate notification to the user's registered email address, allowing for swift action to protect personal information.

Xecure is now available for download for Android devices on the Google Play Store, making it accessible to a wide range of smartphone users. Currently, the app is available with an introductory subscription offer of KES. 99 per month or KES. 999 per year, which, in time, will increase to KES. 199 per month and KES. 1,499 per year. 



Listed real estate investment trust ILAM Fahari Real Estate Investment Trust (NSE: FAHR), redemption offer, ends tomorrow with a preliminary positive subscription outlook.


Speaking when he confirmed the ongoing redemption offer period which paves the way for the conversion process, ICEA LION Asset Management (ILAM) Chief Executive Officer Mr. Einstein Kihanda confirmed that following the closure, the trading of the ILAM Fahari I-REIT will be temporarily suspended from trading at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) from close of trading on Friday 6th October up to Wednesday 25th October in line with the timetable in the Conversion Offering Memorandum and the Public Notice dated 29th August 2023.


The offer which opened 30 days ago had targeted the redemption of up to 36.5 million REIT units currently trading at the NSE from Non-Professional Investors at a redemption offer price of KSH 11 per unit. The redemption offer price represents, a premium of more than 82% above the trading price as at the announcement date.


"We are pleased with the market’s positive response to the conversion and redemption offer so far, and we encourage all Non-Professional Investors who are considering redeeming their units to do so or top up to reach the Professional Investor threshold before the offer closes on Friday 6th October at 5:00pm," Mr Kihanda said.


ICEA LION Asset Management (ILAM) is undertaking a strategic move to reposition ILAM Fahari I-REIT for growth as envisioned when it went public in 2015. The move has been informed by a strategic review that ILAM undertook in 2021 which sought to understand the challenges the I-REIT faced and develop strategies to improve the returns and market performance.


“The redemption offer is pivotal to our ongoing operational restructuring plan aimed at ensuring the REIT's sustainability and improving its ability to generate returns for unitholders. It is also an opportunity for unitholders whose unit value is less than KSH 5 million to exit the REIT at a premium to the current market price," ILAM Fahari I-REIT CEO Raphael Mwito said.


ILAM received regulatory approval from the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) to convert its unrestricted ILAM Fahari Income Real Estate Investment Trust into a restricted I-REIT. As part of the offer, Non-Professional Investors also have the option to top up to the Kshs 5 million professional investors threshold as prescribed by regulatory provisions or opt to be bundled under a nominee account holding all non-professional investors. The REIT Manager has set up the bundled nominee account specifically to cater for Non-Professional Investors who are not able to exit during the transaction period or do not wish to take up the redemption offer, granting them continued participation in the REIT's growth.


“The REIT Trustee will review all redemption applications, and the unitholders who have successfully redeemed their units will be paid on 24th October, 2023, after reconciliation of the transaction,” Mr. Mwito added.


ILAM Fahari I-REIT's portfolio includes four real estate properties: Greenspan Mall, Highway House, a three-storey industrial building off Mombasa Road and 67 Gitanga Place.



By Joseph Magero, chairman of Campaign for Safer Alternatives (CASA)

When it comes to public health strategy, Sweden has shattered the glass ceiling of conventional wisdom, becoming the world's foremost champion in reducing smoking rates. Swedish policymakers recently decided to slash taxes on snus, a form of nicotine pouch that’s less harmful than cigarettes—by a striking 20%. It’s a move that will save lives and is a lesson in nuanced governance that could revolutionise public health in Kenya.

The ongoing debate about the safety and regulation of alternative nicotine products often finds itself tangled in a web of misinformation and ideological rigidity. While naysayers continue to lump all nicotine products together in a campaign against public health, the Swedish government recently proposed a 20% tax cut for snus alongside a 9% tax hike for cigarettes. This is not merely an economic policy; it's a public health strategy grounded in science and factual differentiation between various nicotine products based on their risk levels.

Sweden's proactive approach to tobacco harm reduction provides a roadmap for Kenya and other countries in Africa that are grappling with the devastating consequences of smoking-related diseases. This Scandinavian nation is on the verge of achieving "smoke-free" status, a feat largely attributable to its evidence-based policies. With a remarkable 5.6% smoking rate that's quickly approaching the World Health Organization's 'smoke-free' threshold of 5%, Sweden also boasts Europe's lowest incidence of smoking-related diseases and is 17 years ahead of the European Union's 2040 target for achieving the same status.

So, what makes Sweden so successful in reducing smoking? It's simple: the government relies on real data rather than scare tactics and chooses to guide smokers toward better options instead of just punishing them.

Instead of treating all nicotine products the same Sweden offers a practical, risk-based approach to regulating alternative nicotine products like snus, nicotine pouches, and vaping. This includes risk proportionate taxation, as well as other means through which smokers can be better informed about the availability of less harmful products. This focused approach has helped thousands of smokers switch from cigarettes to less harmful options. 

Unlike traditional cigarettes, nicotine pouches or vapes do not burn tobacco, which is the main source of harmful carcinogens. For instance, Public Health England, a highly respected body, estimates that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking. 

The message is clear: alternative nicotine products are not only less harmful but are also more effective in helping smokers quit. But for that to happen, they must be accessible, affordable and acceptable. And this is exactly what Sweden's new tax strategy is also doing, continuing a long-standing policy to differentiate products based on their risk levels. 

Meanwhile in Africa, where over 70 million still smoke, an average of 8,000 Kenyans lose their lives annually due to smoking-related illnesses. This devastating toll could be significantly reduced if governments adopted a Swedish-style model of tobacco harm reduction. 

Instead of vilifying all nicotine products, there should be a move towards understanding and promoting lower-risk alternatives like nicotine pouches and vapes. The benefits are twofold: we can save lives today and reduce the long-term public health burden.

Yet, the path to such progressive policies is strewn with obstacles, not least of which is the lobbying power of anti-tobacco activists. Many of these groups are backed by foreign funding and are deeply entrenched in their ideological beliefs. Their stance is often rooted in a draconian form of tobacco control that essentially boils down to a 'quit or die' ultimatum, an approach that has repeatedly been shown to be ineffective. 

The urgency for a shift in tobacco harm reduction policy in Africa cannot be overstated. Sweden's model works and comes with minimal financial impact. It's high time for Africa to follow suit and make science-based, practical policies the new norm in public health.


 Financial services firm, Zamara has called on stakeholders in social security to be more innovative and inclusive to enhance and deepen social security in the region.In a conference themmed Burning issues in social security-strategy for resilience in uncertain times that brought over a hundred and fifty leaders and experts across the continent who converged in Nairobi.

Zamara Group Chief Executive Officer, Sundeep Raichura said that to to remain more resilient and grow the coverage of social security schemes in Africa, there was need to have a collective approach and leverage on technology to make systems more efficient and accessible. 

No single entity or organization can tackle the complex challenges we face alone. Governments, businesses, civil society, and international partners must work together in a coordinated effort to build resilient social security systems.Mr. Raichura reiterated the importance of designing and implementing social security strategies that incorporates the most vulnerable members of society and the needs of marginalized groups such as women, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and those living in remote areas. 

Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection, Florence Bore, who opened the event said social security systems had played a key role in societies since times immemorial through economic transformation. During the pandemic, social security programmes were used to channel support by way of financial assistance/grants, stimulus payments, unemployment benefits, distribution of vaccines and provision of support to the vulnerable and often isolated members of society. Social security systems provide a means of social cohesion by fostering a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity within society. It can help strengthen social bonds and mitigate social tensions. “

According the  Cabinet Secretary excessive or poorly targeted and structured social security spending could potentially strain government budgets leading to inefficiencies and impact economic growth negatively.

Major challenges that the sector has faced include inadequate coverage, financial sustainability, demographic shifts, and the digital divide. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Microsoft, through its Africa Transformation Office and Microsoft Philanthropies, is partnering with M-PESA Africa to support its Capability Development Academy. Microsoft will provide access to the Microsoft Community Platform and SME Skilling Programs to drive capacity building and digitization for Micro, Small and Medium SMEs (MSMEs) across several African markets.

Through the Microsoft Community and Training platform, M-PESA Africa will digitize skilling and leverage the community platform to equip MSMEs with the necessary skills to develop stronger business models, manage their finances and offer exceptional customer service.

M-PESA is Africa’s leading fintech and payments service, connecting more than 60 million customers and more than 900,000 businesses through M-PESA business solutions across eight countries, processing more than 91 million transactions and over $1 billion in value per day.

Africa could supply the next generation of the workforce,to take advantage of this opportunity the widening skills gap must be addressed. Small and Medium Enterprises are a crucial part of contributing to Africa’s inclusive socio-economic growth. These businesses anchor the economies of countries and can contribute to inclusive socio-economic growth.

SMEs account for 40% of GDP, and generate at least 90% of new jobs.Research indicates that up to 80% of African SMEs fail within the first five years, despite having the highest entrepreneurship rate in the world. Access to business enablement tools, access to finance, and digital skills, are some of the key potential stumbling blocks for SMEs.

Microsoft, through its Africa Transformation Office believes in giving MSMEs tools to grow their market access to greatly add to the overall growth of economies. The company is working to digitally enable 10 million SMEs in Africa through relevant business apps and ready-to-use skilling content.

The goal of the program is to improve livelihoods for MSME entrepreneurs and their communities, and hopefully, open opportunities for these small businesses to compete in the global market. At the heart of the MSME upskilling program is the goal of reducing inequalities and empowering vulnerable groups, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 10. The program will be enabled in several M-PESA Africa markets, including Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Tanzania.

“In line with our purpose of transforming lives, we continue to pursue innovations and partnerships that connect customers and businesses across the continent to more opportunities while uplifting their livelihoods. We are excited to partner with Microsoft to upskill entrepreneurs and provide them with business tools that will enable them to run their businesses better and to grow their businesses. Micro, Small and Medium businesses are the backbone of African economies and therefore empowering them to succeed creates an even larger impact for their communities due to their outsized economic contribution,” said Sitoyo Lopokoiyit, Managing Director – M-PESA Africa.


 LG Electronics (LG) is set to roll out the latest kitchen, laundry and living solutions appliances that respond to the growing need to reduce power consumption, running costs and environmental impact.


The new appliances which include washers, dryers, dishwashers, ovens, refrigerators et cetera are designed for a more sustainable life and offer A-grade and above energy efficiency and were recently showcased in the ‘Net-Zero House’ at IFA 2023.


Giving his remarks on the new developments, LG Electronics EA Managing Director Dongwon Lee said the company seeks to leverage its industry-leading core technologies to create products that make people’s lives better and have less impact on the planet.


“Highly energy efficient, LG’s home appliances support households to save energy, shrink their utility costs and lower their carbon footprint,” said Lee.


Of the products, LG’s new front-loader washer and dryer pair get laundry clean and dry without running up the power bill; the washer boasts an A-40 per cent energy rating and the dryer an A+++-20 per cent rating. The advanced washer promotes wardrobe and environmental sustainability with LG’s AI Wash, which intelligently selects the optimal wash cycle to provide 10 per cent more fabric protection and help extend the lifespan of clothing. Besides, it comes with a specialized cycle that prevents up to 60 per cent of microplastic emissions from laundry cycles from entering the water supply.


The dryer’s AI Dry feature is able to detect laundry weight, fabric types, and moisture content, setting optimized drying time and temperature for different kinds of clothing. Backed by LG’s Dual Inverter Compressor, the TurboDry function is an efficient option for getting the laundry dry faster.

The new dryer uses R290 refrigerant, known for its low Global warming potential (GWP). For a convenient user experience, both the washer and dryer are equipped with an upgraded LCD touch control


New LG bottom freezer refrigerator has an A-20 per cent energy rating. The fridge is powered by the company’s Smart Inverter Compressor™, which provides impressive energy efficiency by adjusting speed to actual conditions, and comes with a 10-year warranty. Ultra-reliable, the compressor also generates less noise than any other compressor in its class meaning a quieter fridge and a more peaceful kitchen. To extend food freshness, LG’s LINEARCooling™ keeps temperature fluctuations within ± 0.5 degrees Celsius while Door Cooling+™ delivers fast and even cooling to every corner of the fridge.


The A++ energy efficiency of LG’s new 24-inch (60-centimetre) built-in InstaView™ oven owes much to its enhanced insulators, optimized heating control and four-layered glass door; a combination that conserves energy and minimizes heat loss. LG’s InstaView technology also helps to preserve heat inside the oven, allowing users to check on their meal’s progress without having to open the door.

Incorporating the company’s power-saving Inverter Direct Drive Motor™, the LG QuadWash™ dishwasher provides A-10 per cent grade energy efficiency and sparkling clean dishes. Wi-Fi-enabled, the sophisticated appliance can connect to the LG ThinQ™ app, allowing users to conveniently control and monitor operation, download new cycles, and resolve minor issues with Smart Diagnosis.


Old Mutual Kenya has opened its second Integrated Financial Service (IFS) branch in the Central Business District, Kimathi Street, as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to providing customers with comprehensive financial solutions under one roof.

Coinciding with this year's Customers Service Week theme – Team Service, the new branch paints an Image of Old Mutual's ability to move fast, adapt to tactics quickly and respond to evolving customer needs and market conditions.

During the official branch opening, Old Mutual EA Group CEO Arthur Oginga said the opening of IFS branch networks across the country aligns with the brands' desire to develop channels that meet customer needs. 

"Our Integrated Financial Services Branches have been designed to make our customers' lives easier by offering a wide range of financial services conveniently located in a single branch. With the addition of the Kimathi branch, we are taking another step forward in our mission to provide exceptional financial solutions." Said Arthur Oginga.

Responding to customer needs, IFS branches are expected to be agile and build a long-term savings, protection, investment, and lending group by leveraging Old Mutual's expertise and capabilities in East Africa and across the continent. 

The new branch opening follows the successful launch of a similar branch in Mombasa last month. This strategic expansion allows Old Mutual Group to reach even more customers nationwide, offering a holistic approach to financial services.

Anne Chelagat, Insurance Regulatory Authority – Director for Market Conduct, speaking on behalf of the IRA Commissioner commended Old Mutual Group's efforts, stating, "The expansion of the Branches aligns with the Authority's vision for a robust and customer-centric financial services sector. We applaud Old Mutual Group's dedication to enhancing customer experiences."

The Kimathi branch will offer a wide range of financial services, including insurance, banking, and investment solutions, all tailored to meet the unique needs of customers in the region. With this expansion, Old Mutual Group continues to drive innovation in the financial industry while reinforcing its position as a customer-centric organisation.

By embracing this evolution in its business model, Old Mutual is enhancing its business model to meet modern customer needs and establish itself as a dependable and forward-looking financial partner in an ever-changing financial landscape.


Different regions face unique pest and disease challenges, necessitating different crop
protection products some of which don’t have alternatives yet. What may be restricted in
one part of the world could be deemed necessary in another.

Pesticides play a crucial role in safeguarding global crop production by combating pests
and disease-causing agents.These substances are toxic in nature, and their manufacture is
strictly controlled and regulated worldwide. Every country maintains a regulatory body to
oversee pesticide use, ensuring safety for both humans and the environment.

The right to food is a fundamental human right, and pesticides play a critical role in ensuring
global food security. Approximately 20-40% of potential crop production is lost each year due
to pests and diseases. Banning pesticide products would deny millions of Kenyans their right to food.

The PCPB operates as Kenya's regulatory authority for pesticides, and its team of experts has received comprehensive training and benchmarking against leading regulatory authorities in countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The PCPB employs a rigorous evaluation process during pesticide registration to guarantee safety in accordance with international guidelines. 

 pesticide misuse by smallholder farmers is a concern addressed by PCPB. Efforts
have been made to limit the availability of certain products in small packs, but continuous
collaboration among stakeholders is essential to address this challenge effectively. After the
initial registration, pest control products undergo periodic reviews, following international
standards and local regulations. Evaluation processes are based on risk assessments, similar
to those employed in countries like the US, Canada, and Australia.

European Union has adopted a unique approach
by shifting from risk assessment to hazard assessment for pesticides, unlike pharmaceutical
drugs. This change has resulted in the exclusion of numerous active ingredients from use in
the European Union (EU). The implications of this shift in the EU's approach have brought
about significant consequences for countries exporting agricultural products to the EU. These
countries are compelled to review their pesticide products and restrict their use on certain
crops. While this approach may be suitable for the EU, which experiences fewer pests by
virtue of being a temperate zone, it presents challenges for tropical regions worldwide.
Recently, the PCPB shared the outcomes of its periodic reviews based on risk assessment and
taking into account access to EU markets. Ensuring consumer and pesticide user safety is our top priority. Food safety is key during approval of pesticides that is why MRLs are required for
product registration –data used to provide Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI)-number of days waited
out after spraying the product before harvesting which must also be provided.

The PCPB is aware of misinformation circulating about the registration of Highly Hazardous
Pesticides in Kenya. It is essential to clarify that the EU's withdrawal of uses is often due to low
pest pressure, a fact that is not always conveyed to the public. Moreover, most of the world
disagrees with the EU's decision, and these disputes are being contested in the World Trade
Organization (WTO). Kenya adheres to international conventions and protocols, including the Rotterdam, Basel, and Stockholm conventions, where the procedural banning and restriction
of chemicals and pesticide formulations are governed. A list of banned pesticides is
available on the PCPB website.

 products registered in Kenya are also duly registered in other countries, such as the US and Canada. However, the EU's removal of uses may stem from hazard assessment and voluntary withdrawals by companies due to economic
considerations. some products serve vital roles in public health pest control, such as mosquito and bedbug prevention, which may not be considered pests in other regions.

 PCPB encourages the crop protection industry to continue innovating in plant science to develop new and improved crop protection solutions,individuals making statements about pest control products are requested to engage experts to ensure accurate information is disseminated to the public.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...