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Sunday, September 8, 2024


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race that saw more than fifteen thousands participants register for the race including 42 kilometers,21 kilometers,10 kilometers and 6 kilometers.

Speaking during the Marathon at Nyayo stadium chairman of the race Barnabas Korir has promised to improve the race in the coming year to accommodate more participants.

The winner of the 42 kilometers took home 3.5 million in the race which saw sports cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen and his permanent Secretary Peter Tum participate in the 10 kilometer race,kericho senator and Senate majority leader Aron cheruiyot also participated in the 10 kilometer race and congratulated the winners and those who participated.

The 10 kilometer race saw winner took home 100 thousand,second 60 thousand and third 40 thousand.21 kilometers winners took home 150 thousand and a trophy,second 80 thousand and third 50 thousand.42 kilometers winners 3.5million and a trophy second 2.25million and third position 1.5million.

Monday, August 26, 2024



Themed Dignified livelihoods, resilient communities the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) the oldest Council of Churches in the world held it's 65th general assembly at Jumuia Conference and country homes in Limuru.

The general assembly is highest governance organ in the NCCK that meets once every three years to elect new officials,this saw Reverend Dr. Elias Agola from presbyterian church elected as the new chairman of NCCK for a period of three years and Bishop Dr. John Okinda of pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa as the vice chair person. The general assembly brought together delegates from member Churches and organizations across the country.

Speaking during the end of the general assembly Secretary General of NCCK Canon Chris Kinyanjui  has called on the Kenyan government to restore sanity in the education sector by addressing confusion surrounding competence Based Education (CBC) which include transition to grade nine , availability of facilities and teachers in public primary schools.

The NCCK has further Called on collapse of all scholarships and bursaries which total to close to hundred billion into a tuition fund to ensure education of free for all and end corruption and wastage of public funds by officials.

There is need to review the proposed University education funding model that makes education a preserve of the rich according to Reverend canon kinyanjui this model should be subjected to public participation to have a structure that benefits all qualified Kenyans.

The general assembly has called on the government not to push school going children to register on the social Health Insurance (SHIF) through a backdoor to the scheme which Kenyans have opposed and don't understand.The churches have demanded withdrawal of the circular issued to regional county directors of education and instead carry out comprehensive public participation.

Among partinent issues discussed in the assembly that need to be addressed by government of Kenya include quick reconstitution of IEBC, independent investigations of extra judicial killings  during the Gen z lead protests and comprehensive address to climate change.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


The four day law society of Kenya annual  conference held in Diani Kwale county that brought all legal fraternity in the country together to discuss new technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Law and  navigating the future of Legal practice and peer to peer conference which saw lawyers earn the crucial CPD points has concluded today.

The much hyped  annual gathering also discussed two third gender rule culminated in a major golf tournament today and the society’s annual CSR activity at the Born Again Children’s Home where they supported the Children’s Home with essential supplies and foodstuffs.

The issue of gender rule was also addressed in the women breakfast attended by senior counsel and wiper leader HE stephen Kalonzo Musyoka and SC Martha Karua,Philip Murgor,Fred Ojiambo where it emerged the number of women magistrates has decreased however the number of women lawyers has surpassed that of men in the practice.

The key note address  presented by Pheroze Nowrojee SC at the official opening urged advocates to be champions of good governance and stand up against injustice and oppressive government.The seasoned lawyer also launched his book during the event.

 Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi, Minister for Justice  and Legal Affairs, United Republic of Tanzania highlighted the need for East African member states to unite and work together.

Law society president Faith odhiambo speaking during the conference urged women in power to agitate for more space for other women and embrace the rule of law.

According to several lawyers who attended the  conference, it was used to earn them annual four points with maximum points required for the profession been  five points.


In a bid to ensure needy and bright students from from poor backgrounds access higher education in the universities,a city lawyer Ishmael Nyaribo is organizing for a fundraiser to cater for first year university fees of atleast seventeen students who qualified for university but lack school fee to pursue their dream courses.

Speaking to journalists in Mombasa after the annual law society conference,Nyaribo said he aims to rise atleast two million with the help of his friends in Kenya and abroad.The fundraiser is set to take place in September first.

According to the city lawyer,this bid will help needy students join university as the government releases Helb funds to assist them continue with their higher education.The lawyer intends to uplift the community and the needy students who qualify for university but lack school fees a love that he will continue in future.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


In a decisive and commendable judgment, Hon. Justice Joseph Sergon of the Kericho High Court ruled in favour of the validity of annulment of John Chebochok's election as Director of Tegat Tea Factory. 

This is a major victory in the fight against gender-based violence as Hon. Justice Sergon had earlier barred the approval of Chebochok’s appointment as director until the court declared a final ruling today. 

This decision by the High Court to halt John Chebochok’s confirmation as KTDA Director echoes the Minstry of Agriculture’s earlier move to nullify his election, marking a united front in upholding the principles of justice, integrity, and accountability. It sets a powerful precedent for future governance where both the government and the judiciary have demonstrated a firm commitment to ensuring that leadership in Kenya remains rooted in ethical standards and public trust. This alignment between the court’s ruling and the government’s action underscores a shared dedication to protecting the rights of women and maintaining the high standards of professional ethics that are essential to our nation’s democratic foundation.

“The court’s ruling in support of the annulment of John Chebochok's election as the Director of Toror Tea Factory is a stride towards the preservation of human dignity, especially that of women. Going forward, this will serve as a reference point that positions of power should not be used to sexually assault vulnerable women seeking an honest source of income and livelihood for their families. Persons of questionable character should be barred from heading public offices as this is a threat to the upholding of human rights for all. This is a strong message for all those institutions who were responsible for electing John Chebochok to a seat of power that their actions were reprehensible. ” say Nguvu Change Leaders. 

This decision comes after nearly two months of persistent joint advocacy by civil society organisations who unified to amplify the issue through a series of actions including online petitions launched by Nguvu Change Leaders, social media advocacy, letters and emails to relevant stakeholders in authority, and the historic court motion by 6 organisations under the umbrella of Coalition of Organisations Working on Sexual Violence in Kenya and Crusaders for Human Rights and Public Interest Cases. The relentless campaign by Nguvu Change Leaders was jointly led by Kerry Mwita, Deborah Monari, Synthia Sienwa and Josephine Mwende.

On July 10, Nguvu Change Leaders urged the shareholders of the Tegat Tea Factory in a joint call to make a choice that champions justice and integrity, and to denounce the selection of John Chebochok as the director of Tegat tea factory.

A month later, both the Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr Paul Ronoh and the High Court heeded this call, marking a critical step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of women in Kenya’s tea industry.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ephie Shilla Urges Gen Z to Persist in Holding Public Leaders Accountable

Ephie Shillah, a member of the Kenya Law Society Council/Photo 

The call to action underscored the need for responsible and lawful engagement as the younger generation advocates for transparency and integrity in leadership.

During the annual Law Society Conference held in Diani, Kwale County, Ms. Ephie Shillah, a member of the Kenya Law Society Council, addressed the youth, encouraging them to continue their efforts in holding public leaders accountable. 

Shillah emphasized the importance of adhering to the law and avoiding security breaches while participating in nationwide protests.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Nyanza youth caucus lead by Loise Atieno the convener has thanked Kenyan President William Ruto on forming a broad based  government which included the opposition key figures.

Addressing  a press conference at the iconic Kenyatta international convention center(KICC) the caucus  has however said that Kenyans require people of integrity to serve them calling bon the president bro disband the National Youth council which they say has been in place without changes for seven years.

Loise Atieno has called for action to fully reorganize youth council saying the current acting CEO is  very old and above 35 years and does not fall in the youth bracket thus need to overhaul the whole council and give jobs to competent youths.The caucus has also demanded for the  appointment of youth director to the president to keep the president abreast in matters youth and ensure the state department of youth affairs is independent a move that will ensure youths and people living with disabilities (PWD) get government tenders.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Faith organizations under the banner Act alliance have this morning  in Nairobi called on the Kenyan government to act on climate change issues and ensure climate financing is addresed in a bid to  ensure marginalized communities don't suffer the effects of climate change.

Speaking during a press Bishop Warari has said frequent droughts and floods affect vulnerable in society among them farmers, women, children, marginalized community and people with disability a matter that must be addressed  by increasing funding to mitigate the effects.

The war against climate change must incorporate religious values therefore need for the church to voice it's reservations.The Bishop applauded government efforts,enhance climate resilience and adaptations but the Kenyan debt burden hinder the fight against climate change.

According to the religious leaders the fake fertilizer issued to famers during planting seasons will have huge impact to famers and environment a matter that the government should address.The leaders has issued a joint statement and called for action calling upon leaders to be accountable, ensure climate funds are utilized properly and  livelihoods  protected.marginalized groups, women,children should be priotised in the war to combat climate change.

The leaders have called on all actors to tailor climate change message and data so that it reaches grassroots calling on  reforms in global financing to fund adaptation and mitigation effects saying the current framework lack accountability therefore need to foster collaborations to promote inclusivity.

Saturday, July 6, 2024



The Institute for Development and Leadership in Africa has called on Human Rights activists, Civil Society organisations, Religious organizations and the media to continue agitating and advocating for the upholding and respect of human rights despite intimidation and harrassment by government state agencies.

According to Mr. Denise Kodhe Director General of IDEA, Kenya Kwanza government  should be reminded that days of dictatorship and intimidation of people and citizens agitating for their rights are long gone,As stated in the 2010 constitution, the government should be reminded that the Bill of Rights in the constitution is clearly stipulated and therefore it has responsibility not only to respect but to ensure that the citizens enjoy the rights without interference or intimidation by the state.

IDEA further castigates the kenyan government  for intimidating human rights crusaders and the media through arrests, abduction and torture for the frontliners agitating for their rights.It is really sad that the state used its security agencies to mercilessly disrupt peaceful protests in the country by citizens especially Gen.Z who were in the streets demanding for the dropping of punitive finance bill 2024/2025.What was witnessed in the country is a state massacre on it's own innocent citizens and more so children and youth.

The constitution of Kenya 2010  article 37 guarantees citizens right to picket and to protest without interference by the state.Police brutality witnessed in Kenya a few days ago which saw nearly forty people especially the youth and children been fell by police bullets through shooting should be condemned by the whole World.

Despite this great loss the government does not seem bothered to the extent that the Cabinet during their meeting at State-House yesterday praised the police for the good work.

There must be resistance to dictatorship and abuse of power by autocratic leaders in Africa for the continent to change.Such leaders should be reminded that intimidation,killings, and abduction of crusaders will not help them and therefore the best thing for them is to reform and understand that leadership is about leading people through proper governance and listening to their voice.

IDEA has called on the media to be allowed to do it work without intimidation, gaging and oppression of freedom of expression and information as enshrined in the 2010 constitution.

Monday, July 1, 2024


Following weeks of anti finance bill protest dubbed occupy parliament which culminated to protesters breaking into parliament the National council of churches of Kenya NCCK meet the president in statehouse Nairobi and urged the president to withdraw the finance bill 2024.

Speaking in Limuru NCCK Secretary General Reverend Chris Kinyanjui told members of press that they had agreed with the president that KDF will not be deployed,police should cease brutality on protesters,no further blood shed and kenyans should be allowed to peacefully demonstrate and that the president should listen to youths and shape the nation desire.The church body has condoled with the families that lost their loved ones to police bullets and brutality commencing  seven days of mourning from Friday to Sunday July 7th.

Reverend Kinyanjui has called on the speaker of National assembly Moses Wetangula to convene a special sitting of the parliament to respond to the finance bill send back to parliament by the president.Members of parliament ignored the will of the people by passing the bill according to the Secretary General a move that has lead to nation wide protests,loss of life and property.

The NCCK has said it will convene a national conference on national finance and governance and establish youth lead centres of excellence to include the voice of the youths who account to seventy nine percent of kenyas population.

Friday, June 28, 2024


 The Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) has today awarded a cumulative of KES 23,950,000 to five community youth organizations to support their innovative ideas towards environmental sustainability and conservation. 

Speaking during the event, the Chief Guest Mr. Kihara Maina, Regional CEO of I&M Group PLC,
commended KCDF for its commitment to supporting youth innovations. He emphasized the
government's role as an enabler, suggesting that some investments are challenging for individuals
to undertake alone. Mr. Maina proposed using taxes to support youth-driven innovations,
emphasizing that sustainability hinges on profitability, which can then fund transformative
innovations. "Our commitment is to lead change through shared value, with a significant allocation towards environmental conservation, education, and skills training, as well as economic empowerment.I applaud the YEIC competition for its eye-opening impact, and I hope the second iteration will scale up in both quality and reach, to engage diverse partners in addressing environmental challenges,"he said.

On her part, the KCDF Executive Director Ms. Grace Maingi emphasized the importance of fostering and advancing innovation within the development sector, alongside efforts to control carbon emissions. “We aim to empower young people by recognizing their potential through the Young Environmentalist Innovation Challenge. As we launch the second call for applicants, we have
extended support eligibility to individuals aged 15 to 35, offering grants of up to five million shillings".

Under its Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge (YEIC), KCDF aims at developing action-oriented young individuals and youth-led organizations committed to the conservation of the environment.The finalists of the inaugural challenge, launched in 2023, were awarded in this event that also saw the launch of the second edition.

 The winners included Inua DamSite from Nyandarua County,EcoRich Solutions,Placom Manufacturers from Nairobi County,Farmer Lifeline Technologies and Fruity Schools Africa from Kiambu County.This year’s edition seeks to award three young individual environment champions with grants of upto KES 1.5 Million and six organizations with grants of up to KES 5 Million each, for implementing their unique environment conservation-based ideas.

YEIC is an environmental innovation fund established by KCDF with support from Mackenzie Scott to bolster innovative ideas and solutions that promote environmental conservation, sustainable resource management, and community resilience. KCDF has partnered with the National Environment Trust Fund (NetFund), Green Generation Initiative (GGI), and the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) to identify top unique ideas through this initiative.

In a ceremony that brought together, youth representatives, the private sector, environment
champions, advocates, and enthusiasts, the event underscored the significance of environmental
conservation in addressing pressing global issues such as drought and climate change. It emphasized the role of digital technology in enhancing efforts to protect the environment.

KCDF works to enhance the growth and sustainability of communities through capacity
development, community philanthropy, and local giving. KCDF invests significant resources to build,strengthen and sustain the core capacities of our communities by developing thoughtful, long-term collaborations.

Applications for the 2024 edition of the Young Environmentalist Innovation Challenge are open on the KCDF website:

Friday, June 21, 2024


Ronald Meru, KNCCI Chair - Trade and Economic Diplomacy extended an invitation to the private sector for the upcoming Zambia Trade Mission slated for July 28 whereby the chamber will take hundred delegates to the Zambia.

Mr Meru was speaking during a signing of MOU at chamber offices in Nairobi with delegations from FINSCO Consulting, GO GREENWOOD Bank LLC., the Ministry of Trade Investments, and Industry, the State Department of Industry, and the State Department of Trade. The collaboration aims to address the shortage of 150,000 housing units in Kenya.

KNCCI urged private sector players to leverage over 250 MoUs signed with local and international partners, confident that such engagements will help the sector thrive. The Kenyan government recognized KNCCI's efforts during the USA Trade Mission, which facilitated the MoU signing within 30 days.

FINSCO Africa's CEO, Mr. John Mwaura highlighted the challenge of business growth and noted that their KNCCI membership has facilitated strategic networking, leading to the partnership with Go Greenwood Bank LLC from Atlanta, Georgia a culmination of President William Ruto state visit of USA.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Concerned Citizen Movement leaders lead by professor Fred Ogola has this morning  called for unconditional release of 335 Kenyans arrested for participating in peaceful protest under the banner occupy parliament to show their furry over finance bill 2024.

According to professor Fred Kenyans have had enough is enough of punitive taxes by kenya kwa za regime which the professor accuse of  corruption and  infighting instead of fixing the economy and listening to the voices of kenyans voices.The finance act 2023/2024 was passed despite many kenyans opposing it and before the dust settles Kenyans have been slapped by another finance bill in the error of of high debt burden and lack of employment .

The concerned citizens have faulted the government for  freezing employment for a year keeping off qualified graduands away from job Market.small business have been  suffering pending bills due to government failure to pay the bills killing the livelihood of middle class kenyans.proper use of tax will guarantee mwananchi a better Kenya.

The current constitution has no clause to recall the president therefore the concerned citizens have embarked on collecting one million signatures to recall the president.Budgeted corruption account for  1.3trillion while non priority expenditure account for  another 1.3trillion according to CCM leaders.

The leaders have called on inspector  general of police Japheth koome to ensure police service remain police service by protecting demonstrators and not police triggering violence and arresting peaceful demonstrators with violence.



By Benard Mulwa. 

The Amnesty International has today joined efforts by the Anglican Church calling on the law makers to remove and amend sections of the Finance Bill 2024 that have a direct impact on the livelihoods of Kenyans, this comes even as Parliament is debating the Finance Bill 2024.

The Anglican Church leadership today led by Rev. Ole Sapit converged at All African Conference Churches in Nairobi at a symposium to share expertise and experience in the area of social transformation among the communities, bringing together all ten regions of the Anglican Development Services.

Speaking to journalists, Rev. Ole Sapit said Anglican Development Services is a programme which is geared towards meeting the needs of the poor and those who are in need in the area of health, education, food security, advocacy and Climate Change adaptation. "As Anglican Church of Kenya we have looked at Social transformation as the centre of mission, our expertise are in value addition in food chain, Climate change adaptation, economic empowerment of the communities through table banking and Co-operative schemes,"

His grace Rev. Ole Sapit said the International Monetary Fund IMF has in the recent past adviced on the government to do structural adjustments, stop employing new staff because this will demish the taxable population of Kenyans hence the government will not have people with a regular salary to be taxed and if business are under attack with the kind of proposals that are being made then the cost of doing business in the country is going to be very expensive leading to closure of many companies and more jobs will be lost.  

The Rev. Also added that focuss on cutting on wastage and non-,essentials ,areas that the government need to stop like corruption and unnecessary trips abroad a proposal cuts in essentials like health, education and food security does not give hope to Kenyans. "If the law makers will pass punitive tax that will harm the electrolet, then the electrolet will be waiting for them," he said things which are going to hurt poor household, like sanitary towels, edible oils, zero rating on bread- Taxation on motor vehicles, putting emphasis that those cars are already paid for duty as a tax when being bought and when fueling each car there is a 16 percent VAT, every spare part there is a 16 percent and that Kenyans don't understand the rational of bringing in another tax. "We want to urge the law makers to read every section of those Bill, we don't expect member of Parliament coming to tell us in the village when are confronted by their electrolets that they have not read the Bill, as we have had in the Finanxe Bill 2023, some members say they passed a Bill that they did not read."

Saturday, June 15, 2024


The Day of African child celebrated June 14th saw the launch of a six months campaing to create nationwide awareness on the importance of quality and skilled child care in the first one thousand days of a child, the launch by ECD Network for Kenya in partnership with Africa Early Childhood Network kicks off today.

Addressing a news conference  at a Nairobi hotel Dr. Teresa Mwoma National Coordinator ECD Network has called on stakeholders to ensure kids are thriving and not surviving since the impacts of poor child care in the first five years of their lives will later affect them in life therefore need for caregivers to ensure quality childcare and protection of the children.Dr Teresa has called on the government to create enabling environment and policies for children to develop secure attachments and families  to provide proper childcare, guidance and support critical for development of children to prepare them for  adulthood.

According to world Bank about 350 million children below primary school age representing more than 40 Percent of the population do not have access to proper childcare while 40 percent or pre school children are not enrolled.

In Africa about 5 million children live without parental care according to a report by the African Committee of experts on the rights and welfare of the child.

The campaign launched by ECD  Network will focus on eight economic blocks and will address issues on promoting , nurturing care,child protection,child friendly policies,gender policies and community participation in child care 

Friday, June 7, 2024


Blockchain industry leaders have converged in Nairobi for the second annual gathering bringing together industry leaders to deliberate on the role of Blockchain in shaping Africas economic landscape.

Speaking to journalists during the conference held at Karen in Nairobi Kenya,founder of Blockchain Mr Edwin Sikini said the industry is tainted by scams and issue they are solving by creating awareness to Kenyans on safety measures to take to avoid been scammed assuring Kenyans that the new tech in crypto is safe and fast.Mr Sikini added that there is a bill in parliament which will be in place in a span of one year to regulate the industry which currently is not regulated.

Kenya ranks third in Blockchain in Africa and globally top fifteen with majority of those involved in the crypto been the Gen z.There are over five hundred currency in the market with the mostly known been Bitcoin,Dadge,Solana and Ethereum.

According to CEO kotani Mr Felix Macharia who is Blockchain sponsors this year's attendance has grown to include players in the private and public sector as the Blockchain seems to introduce county chapters and ensure all entities are licensed to avert money laundering.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Kenya commemorated this year’s World Anti-Counterfeit Day by hosting the second edition of the International Symposium on Intellectual Property, Protection,and Enforcement (ISIPPE-2).

The conference was attended by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry, Ms. Rebecca Miano, bringing together key stakeholders, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the critical role of IP protection in ensuring consumer safety and fostering innovation.In her opening address, CS Miano emphasized the importance of robust IP frameworks in safeguarding consumers from counterfeit products and promoting a healthy, competitive market.Consumer safety is paramount, and strong intellectual property enforcement is essential to protect the public from the dangers of counterfeit goods. This forum underscores our commitment to
fostering innovation while ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers globally," said Ms.

The Principal Secretary, State Department of Industry, Dr. Juma Mukhwana, speaking during the opening ceremony of the event highlighted the
government's collaboration with WIPO and leading government agencies in formulating a
comprehensive national IP policy and strategy to support innovation and competitiveness. "We
have a draft National Intellectual Property Policy and Strategy (NIPPS) which lays the groundwork
for Kenya's national IP policy and strategy for the period 2023-2027," said Dr. Mukhwana.

Hon. Josephat Kabeabea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Anti-Counterfeit Authority,
reiterated the Authority’s commitment to supporting the government's vision of industrial
development and economic growth. “Our mission is to create an environment where innovation
thrives, driving sustainable growth and ensuring that our SMEs and innovative enterprises can
thrive in a secure and supportive environment,” said Kabeabea.

As part of efforts to tighten controls against intellectual property contraventions and provide
redress mechanisms for aggrieved parties, the forum saw the launch of the ACA Integrated
Information Management System (AIMS) for this purpose. The system allows owners or holders
of intellectual property rights to record their products with the ACA as a safeguarding measure
against potential infringements or to provide pathways for protection in case of violations.
The system also has an Enforcement and Case Management component, which allows for
anonymous reporting, investigation, inventory management and prosecution of intellectual
property infringers.

This years conference is themed "Uniting Against Counterfeiting for a Healthy and Safe Future,” aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in intellectual property (IP) protection, raising awareness about the dangers of counterfeit products, and highlighting the importance of safeguarding IP rights for economic growth and public safety.

Monday, May 27, 2024


The Pamoja Founders Project, a collaborative regional leadership development program by IREX, the PepsiCo Foundation, PepsiCo and D-Prize, has revealed 12 exceptional young entrepreneurs leading ventures that strengthen sustainable food systems across six
African nations namely Nigeria, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.

 This follows a rigorous 9-month training program of  the top six most promising enterprises who will be awarded a catalytic seed grant of USD $15,000 each  funded by the PepsiCo Foundation.The Pamoja Founders Project provided is a comprehensive support system for its 12 cohort members geared to equipping them to further develop innovative and disruptive solutions that address food security challenges in Africa.

 Through mentorship, skill-building workshops, access to professional networks, and crucial funding opportunities, the program empowered these young entrepreneurs to scale their ventures. Over the past nine months.The cohort has undergone personal and professional growth 
equipped with essential tools to amplify their impact within their sectors and markets.The cohort members are leading new ventures working at the intersection of food security, sustainable supply chains, and resilient food systems in one of six countries across West, East
and Central Africa. 

The inaugural cohort members are:
● Benson Abila, Founder, M-Taka; Kenya
● Abdul de Almeida, Co-Founder, Crimas, Orza and FAE; Mozambique
● Mafeng Dangyang, Co-Founder, Kayan Gona Agro Network; Nigeria
● Emmanuel Dusabimana, Founder, Agriboom; Uganda
● Nalugemwa Elizabeth, Founder, Seedloans and Kyaffe Farmers Coffee; Uganda
● Abdallah Mabrouk, Founder & Executive Director, Ibukia Shambani; Tanzania
● Juliet Namwanje, Founder, Ziimba; Uganda
● Brendah Nantongo, Founder, Veathari Ventures Limited ; Uganda
● Elizabeth Okullow, Founder, Agriboom; Kenya
● Babajide Oluwase, Co-Founder and CEO, Ecotutu; Nigeria
● Dr. Akpem Terese Shadrach, Founder, Vet Konect; Nigeria
● Nathnael Tadesse, Founder & CEO, Senaryo Trading, PLC; Ethiopia

The Project is giving rising food and agricultural entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to engage with industry experts, receive sector-specific coaching, access professional networks, and join
a vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs,”according to C.D. Glin, President of the PepsiCo Foundation.


Whisky consumers will now enjoy Hunter’s Choice in a new upgraded bottle designed to give drinkers a unique experience. This is after the Kenya Wine Agencies Limited (KWAL) unveiled a new packaging.

Hunter’s Choice, a whisky brand by KWAL will now be sold in a new-look bottle that has been meticulously designed to include a new closure that will guarantee the product's safety. “The new upgraded bottle has three key features: a new closure, a vibrant and modern label, and a new brand proposition. This new closure is aimed at securing the brand as a leader in the local whisky category,” said Mr Jonas Geeraerts, KWAL Commercial Director during the launch. 

The taste and pricing of Hunter’s Choice have not changed. The rebrand is for our consumers to enjoy a fine whisky in a nice new bottle, at an affordable price. The last time we did a bottle upgrade was in April 2018, and we have now improved it after feedback from our consumers
“The taste and pricing of Hunter’s Choice have not changed. The rebrand is for our consumers to enjoy a fine whisky in a nice new bottle, at an affordable price. The last time we did a bottle upgrade was in April 2018, and we have now improved it after feedback from our consumers,” added Geeraerts.    

Hunter’s Choice also seeks to engage young Kenyan males looking for meaning and purpose in life and experiences that reflect their journey into manhood. “The bottle upgrade is aimed at appealing to male consumers aged between 20 and 35. Our insights revealed that Hunter’s Choice fits seamlessly into their lifestyles and provides diversity,” said Dr. Senorine Wasike, KWAL Head of Marketing. 

As part of taking the brand to consumers, KWAL has rolled out an Explore Boldly on-ground activation campaign in Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret and Nakuru over the next three  three months.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


World wide brand Coca cola has launched a campaign to reward it's customers as they sip their favorite drinks of coca cola, sprite,fanta and stoney in a campaign that will run for thirteen weeks.

The campaign that begins of Monday twentieth will reward customers who drink glass bottles of 200 ml,300 ml and 500 ml by instant cash prices ranging from fifty Kenya shillings to ten thousand shillings which will be send instantly to their phones while the one million cash reward will be awarded through the campany.The campaign will see the company use over a hundred and sixty million in the regulated campaign promotion by betting and licensing board.

To redeem the cash prices the code under the bottle top should be send to 40111 for free across all networks.This is a way to celebrate valued customers according to coca cola representatives who also announced a financial literacy program for the weekly millionaires to ensure they don't waste the money they get but instead use it to transform their lives.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Mastercard and I&M Bank have extended their strategic collaboration with an 8-year strategic alliance, ensuring cardholders in Kenya continue to enjoy enhanced value propositions. Under this alliance, I&M bank clients will enjoy competitive premium customer value propositions through a range of world class debit and credit cards.

The collaboration between Mastercard and I&M Bank has spanned five years and has delivered significant value to customers, businesses, and the economy. By leveraging Mastercard’s cutting-edge technology and I&M Bank’s extensive local network, this collaboration will further facilitate seamless and secure payment solutions for individuals and businesses in Kenya. 

“We are delighted to extend our collaboration with I&M Bank. This strategic alliance has enabled us to make significant progress in advancing digital payments and financial inclusion in Kenya. Together we will continue to empower individuals and businesses with secure and convenient payment solutions that will help them reach their potential” said Mark Elliott, President, Africa at Mastercard.

"As we celebrate 50 years of I&M Bank, we are delighted to announce the expansion of our collaboration with Mastercard, aimed at providing an extensive range of lifestyle and travel benefits to our corporate, retail, and business clients. By extending this alliance, I&M Bank has demonstrated its commitment to delivering tailor-made, digital solutions that cater to the distinct needs of our valued customers," said Gul Khan, CEO of I&M Bank. 

The extended collaboration encompasses a variety of offerings, including Platinum Debit, World Elite Debit, World Debit, Multicurrency Prepaid Cards, and Credit Cards. These cards provide customers with a diverse array of travel benefits, privileges, and experiences.

Depending on the card category, holders have access to numerous lifestyle privileges both locally and globally. These privileges include earning loyalty points, which are credited as cash into the customer's loyalty account, enhanced credit card limits, multicurrency prepaid cards with support for up to three currencies, and card safety controls within the I&M On-The-Go mobile and internet banking applications. Additionally, I&M Bank customers will continue to seamlessly top up prepaid cards and make credit card payments via the I&M Bank OTG App.

 The cards are equipped with world-class security and reliability, backed by Mastercard's trusted technology, ensuring robust customer protection. The incorporation of new technology, such as contactless payment, facilitates a swift and secure checkout experience, empowering consumers to select their preferred payment method.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


World Vision Kenya has embarked on a landmark campaign, "ENOUGH," aimed at combating child hunger and malnutrition in Kenya. The campaign aims to ensure that children have access to nutritious food for their well-being and development.

Her Excellency the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya, Rachel Ruto E.G.H lauded World Vision for the initiative, noting that advocating for enough nutritious food for every child, both at home and in school, through ethical and sustainable sourcing is commendable.

"There's no greater indignity than children attending school hungry. We've made significant strides, reducing stunting from 26% in 2014 to 18% in 2022. Overall, nutrition has improved. Yet, 847,000 Kenyan children under five face acute malnutrition, down from 14.5% in 2023. We must unite to scale interventions in food security, health, nutrition, and finance to reach our goal of less than 5% childhood wasting by 2025," H.E Rachel Ruto said.

According to statics nearly 900,000 Kenyan children aged 6 to 59 months need assistance with acute malnutrition and food security. Malnutrition persists in arid counties due to multiple failed seasons, inadequate child-feeding practices, and high disease rates.

World Vision's goal is to improve the nutritional status of vulnerable children in Kenya through targeted interventions, reducing hunger in the most affected communities through the three-year campaign.


 2023 Global Hunger Index (GHI) states that Kenya ranks 90th out of the 121 countries included in the Index, with a score of 22.0, indicating a serious level of hunger.



Leading  chainstore in Kenya Naivas supermarket has this morning in Nairobi Kenya opened it's hundred and three store at T Mall in langata Nairobi.

Speaking during the opening of the store regional  Manager  Milcah Gathoni  has called on Kenyans to trust the promise Naivas saves you money slogan assuring kenyans of  quality service,trust and standards.

The supermarket sits in a new space in the affluent area code of langata giving customers assurance of best service.

Monday, April 22, 2024


 L-R: Managing Director, MultiChoice Kenya, Nzola Miranda, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Film Commission, Timothy Owase, Public Relations and Communications Manager, MultiChoice Kenya, Elisha Kamau

In a bid to keep  fans glued to their screens  Multichoice Kenya, a leading entertainment and pay-TV provider in Kenya  has launched a new Kenyan TV series, Shanga at a popular Maasai Lodge in that capital Nairobi.

 Nzola Miranda, Managing Director, MultiChoice speaking  during the show party said “Today marks an exciting milestone for our viewers as we introduce ‘Shanga’, a compelling addition to our local content offerings. We are committed to promoting local talent and narratives, fostering cultural preservation, and creating employment opportunities for Kenyans.”  "As Kenya's most loved storyteller, we take pride in curating the country's largest collection of local shows and remain committed to investing in local content. Local productions preserve cultural identity and promote diversity," noted Mr. Miranda. 

The new series will replace Salem and will air every Monday  to Friday on Maisha Magic Plus, available on DStv Channel 163 and GOtv Channel 3 at 8:00 p.m.Shanga joins a lineup of outstanding local productions, including 'Kam U Stay,' recently honored as Best TV Comedy at the Kalasha Awards, and 'Haki Mwitu.'

Featuring Brahim Ouma (renowned for this role in the ‘Pepeta’ show) and Foi Wambui (recognized for her role in ‘Salem’), Shanga follows the story of Soilan, a Maasai girl. When Naibei forcefully claims her as his bride, Soilan bravely stands up to him, sending shockwaves through the village. This defiance leads to a confrontation at the Eunoto ceremony – a significant Maasai rite of passage where young men have their hair shaved, symbolizing their transition to adulthood – between Naibei and the renowned Maasai Moran named Ledama.

The story follows three main characters who, amidst pursuing their dreams, find themselves entangled in a love triangle. Their aspirations and challenges are vividly depicted in this rags-to-riches narrative, richly intertwined with fashion, culture, color, and vibrancy. The Maasai culture and its ‘nuances’ play a significant role in the storyline.

key influencers and cast that attended the launch event include Damaris Irungu, Producer Kam U Stay, Podcasters and Content Creators Lydia KM and Murugi Munyi, and Performing Artist, Sanaipei Tande.


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