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Wednesday, January 31, 2024



Party leader People trust party and renown ukambani legislator Mutua Katuku has come out guns blazing to condemn hooliganism meted on Kalama ward member of county assembly Boniface Maeke who was arrested by Machakos county askaris earlier today during a court case hearing involving one of Machakos county MCA.

In a media statement send to newsrooms, Mutua Katuku has called on Machakos governor Wavinya Ndeti and county leadership to style up and stop threatening Member of county assembly terming the arrest which left the MCA nursing a fractured leg as barbaric and pure intimidation.

This arrest comes a day after another arrest of Masii ward MCA and that of his counterpart from Mua ward after criticising the governor.

Honourable Katuku has said it is crucial for all elected leaders in Machakos county to work together for the benefits of the residents saying threats and illegal harassment of elected leaders will not solve anything and he won't tire to call out the county leadership.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Green faith Africa a global grassroot and interfaith movement for climate justice has today launched it's regional Africa office in Nairobi Kenya at the All Church conference in Nairobi's affluent Westlands area.

Speaking during the launch of the GreenFaith-Africa office in Nairobi, Meryne Warah, the GreenFaith Global Director for Advocacy, drew the attention of the multi-faith gathering at the All African Council of Churches (AACC)  in Nairobi to the destruction the fossil fuels industry had caused people in Africa.

Several teams presented videos showing the effects of fossil fuels in their communities. Tanzania and Uganda shared videos of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) affected persons, many complaining about poor compensation for land taken and disrespect for their kin’s graves during displacement, among other ills. Nigeria had evidence of oil spills and gas flaring in Port Harcourt, in the Niger Delta, which has polluted rivers and the soil, killing the farming and fishing communities’ sources of livelihood, and increasing cases of respiratory and other diseases.

 The global North’s efforts to dangle the carbon market when they had refused to honor the $100 billion climate fund pledge was pretentious. “Faith communities are our only hope.countries must not politicize issues of climate change. Capitalism places its efforts on profits against human well-being. Matters of climate change are matters of life and death. No hypocrisy. No deceit. No lie.

GreenFaith Executive Director Rev. Fletcher Harper said: “Africa is on the frontline of the climate crisis. Global North corporations want to exploit the continent’s resources and addict Africa to fossil fuels. GreenFaith Africa team is campaigning for clean, safe, affordable, reliable energy for every African, calling for millions of green jobs to lift people from poverty.The  climate justice champions have demanded an immediate stop to new fossil fuel projects and loss and damage funds for those who have suffered permanent losses from climate change.

The meeting was attended by representatives of indigenous communities, women and youth from several parts of Africa, including Ghana, Nigeria, Congo, Tanzania, Uganda and the DRC and  faith leaders from the Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and other communities.

Thursday, January 25, 2024


The ministry of health has launched the tuberculosis Strategic Plan 2023/24- 2027/28 geared towards putting an end to the devastating impact of TB in the community,the launch coincides with Kenya's introduction of a community-centred Universal Health Coverage (UHC) initiative that has seen the recruitment,kitting and deployment of 100,000 Community Health Promoters (CHPs) who will ensure proactive household screenings and bolstering the  fight against the disease.

Speaking during the launch in the ministry of health headquarters in Nairobi principal Secretary public health Mary Muriuki has reiterated the ministry commitment to ending Tuberculosis (TB)."TB  remains a major public health concern not only in Kenya but across the globe, standing as a leading cause of death attributable to a single infectious agent. The havoc it wreaks on both the social and economic facets of our societies is immeasurable, with the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant strains further compounding the problem" Said the PS

According to data In the year 2022, Kenya recorded a staggering 90,841 TB cases, a
significant increase from the 77,854 cases reported in 2021. Alarming as this figure is, it represents only 68% of the estimated 133,000 TB cases that were likely to emerge that year, leaving 32% undiagnosed and untreated. The emergence of drug-resistant TB cases, totalling 756 in
the same period.

 The strategic plan has been developed using a people-centred approach,reflecting a bottom-up strategy championed by the government where the health outcomes at the grassroots level
are significantly improved.Present during the launch were WHO country representative,USAID HPN director and ministry officials.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Dettol has partnered with sirikwa classic world cross country tour to be held on February 3rd  in uasin Gishu country kapseret constituency in a bid to tap and nature Young talents.

Sports enthusiasts will have the opportunity to sample Dettol mechandise to protect them from germs and body odor with the new Dettol cool mint soap delivering 5 degrees of cooling sensation.The household brand has sponsored the cross country at a tune of 2.6 Million.

According to the race director Mr Barnaba Korir the race will feature elite athletes from three difrent countries whose names will be revealed during the launch of the marathon in Eldoret.

Present during the sponsorship announcement at the Golazo Right here in Westlands Nairobi were the MD of Golazo Dorcas kibet and Rectik regulatory affairs manager Mr Mokoro.

Thursday, January 18, 2024


 At a time when the fourth industrial revolution is expected to create numerous new job opportunities in African countries, there is a growing need for professionals equipped with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills in Kenya. In this context, girls' access to and engagement with STEM fields is more crucial than ever, especially because gender bias inhibits their equal participation. Girls continue to be significantly underrepresented in these sectors in Kenya and it is critical to harness their potential so that they can pursue STEM streams in education as well as professional domains. 

On the International Day of Education (January 24), Nguvu Change Leader Mercy Mwende has amplified these issues and intensified her advocacy for increased representation of Kenyan women in STEM careers. She calls out the prevailing gender stereotypes that hinder girls and affect the quality of their education and training in STEM fields and says, "I have always aspired to become an automotive engineer and worked hard to secure admission to a university. However, obtaining even an internship proved to be a challenging task. Every company I approached turned me down, while my male counterparts were readily accepted."

She also highlighted the decline in women's participation in global STEM occupations citing the Global Gender Gap Report 2023 released by the World Economic Forum. According to the report, women constitute only 29.2% of all STEM workers.“Women and girls in STEM encounter constant pressure and resistance in male-dominated fields, and due to a lack of role models, their dream of a career in the STEM fields is constantly at the risk of fading away," adds Mwende.

She has also launched an online petition urging the Ministry of Gender, the Ministry of Social Labour, the National Assembly, and the Public Service Board to establish a fully financed board to help increase employment opportunities for women and girls in STEM in Kenya.

Mwende believes that without addressing the fundamental issues affecting girls' education and training in this sector, the gender gap in STEM will continue to grow. As she says, "The future generations of women and girls should not miss the opportunity of joining future forward careers."

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


The Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA) and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) of Kenya have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a move geared to strengthening existing collaboration in the war against counterfeit trade. 

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Dr. Robi Njoroge Mbugua, Executive Director of the AntiCounterfeit Authority, emphasized that the influx of counterfeit products, including medicines,poses not only a threat to the market share of genuine products but, more critically, jeopardizes the health and safety of consumers. Dr. Mbugua reiterated that imported counterfeit products violate intellectual property rights and are strictly prohibited in the country.

Addressing the danger posed by counterfeit drugs, Dr. Fred Siyoi, CEO of the Pharmacy and
Poisons Board, highlighted the government's intensified efforts to counter the proliferation of
counterfeit drugs in the country. Dr. Siyoi underscored the board's commitment to enhancingpharmacovigilance measures to identify and eliminate dangerous products from the market.

The MoU between ACA and PPB aims to strengthen their collaborative efforts, fostering a
comprehensive approach to tackling the trade in counterfeit and illicit medicines. Key components
of the agreement include the exchange of information, collaboration in training programs, sharing of expertise, technical exchanges, and outreach activities.

Working committees will be established to implement the MoU, focusing on detailed planning and the execution of cooperative activities, Thus the two government agencies will work together to combat the pervasive trade in counterfeit and illicit medicines within the country.This collaboration is anticipated to be a landmark step forward in Kenya's fight against counterfeit and illicit trade,marking a significant stride towards ensuring the safety of consumers and protecting public health.

Data from a joint initiative by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and the International
Institute for Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) revealed that, in 2016 alone,
customs officials across 16 countries, including Kenya, identified 113 million illicit and potentially
dangerous medicines valued at €52 million (Sh6 billion).

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


A new book that  provides a roadmap for food systems transformation in Kenya has been launched in Nairobi, Kenya.The book seeks to tackle challenges facing kenyan farmers in a bid to address food security.

The past few years have seen Kenya, along with many other countries, confronted with multifaceted and compounding challenges affecting its food system. The disruptions caused by COVID-19, high levels of food price inflation and environmental crises such as locust infestations and droughts, have severely tested the resilience of Kenya’s food system and the affordability of food for its citizens.

The new IFPRI book Food Systems Transformation in Kenya,Lessons from the Past and Policy Options for the Future aims to respond to this imperative by bringing together a wealth of empirical research on various aspects of Kenya’s food system and offering a comprehensive overview of its historical trajectory and possibilities for future evolution.

 The book edited by Clemens Breisinger, Michael Keenan, Juneweenex Mbuthia, and Jemimah Njuki was launched today during a hybrid event co-organized by IFPRI, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), and the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies at the ILRI Nairobi campus and online. 

In a statement  read on behalf of Hon. Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary, Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, noted in the foreword of the book, “We look forward to the Ministry’s continued collaboration with IFPRI, CGIAR, and other partners in creating research-based policy recommendations that will lead to a brighter, healthier future for all Kenyans.”
The book provides a comprehensive overview of the Kenya's food system, focusing on:
The current state and drivers of transformation, in particular the country’s livestock sector and projections for its future.

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the Kenya's food system, focusing on the current state and drivers of transformation, in particular the country’s livestock sector and projections for its future.

According  to the lead editor of the book,The Government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) prioritizes food systems, and this book offers actionable strategies aligned with the national goals. Mobilizing funding for food systems transformation is critical as is strengthening of the science-policy interface to help Kenya meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Despite the important role of the agri-food sector in Kenya’s economy, public expenditure in it remains low, hindering effective policy implementation.

The book will serve as a guiding compass, offering a thorough exploration of the country's food systems and presenting actionable recommendations to support positive change.
A free e-version of the book can be downloaded on the IFPRI website; print-on-demand hard copies can be ordered via Amazon.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...