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Tuesday, March 26, 2024


This year Microbiology Updates Conference organised by the Aga Khan University Medical College, East Africa, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi in collaboration with the Ministry of Health brought together national and international experts to promote and strengthen One Health governance for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) surveillance in Kenya and the region.

Speaking during the conference Prof Gunturu Revathi Section Head of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Pathology, Aga Khan University Medical College, East Africa, quoting the Lancet Commission for Diagnostics, said, “Appropriate antimicrobial prescribing requires access to proper diagnostics services and approximately 47 percent of the global population has little to no access to diagnostics. Diagnostics are central and fundamental to quality health care. This notion is under-recognised, leading to underfunding and inadequate resources at all levels. 

The Conference aims to fill critical gaps in the surveillance of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, through various initiatives such as capacity building, research, and surveillance system strengthening to tackle AMR effectively.

Excess antimicrobial usage has been attributed to inadequate disease prevention, high infectious disease burden, availability of substandard drugs, inadequately trained and insufficient health personnel, and poor access to diagnostics and laboratory services to guide treatment.

According to the World Health Organisation, Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top global public health and development threats. In 2019, it is estimated that bacterial AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million global deaths and contributed to 4.95 million deaths.

In Kenya in 2019, there were 8,500 deaths attributable to AMR and 37,300 deaths associated with AMR. In addition, Kenya has the 177th highest age-standardized mortality rate per 100,000 population associated with AMR across 204 countries.

The Microbiology Conference aims to combat AMR by bringing all the collaborating partners together for networking, actively interacting, enhancing surveillance, strengthening governance, and promoting rational antimicrobial use, thereby mitigating the human and economic burden of AMR regionally and globally.


Search for common grounds a peace building initiative in pursuit of finding peace and lasting solutions in volatile regions which face threats of insecurities converged stakeholders in peace building in Nairobi Kenya to take stock of it's achievement which culminated in a report launch.

Speaking to journalists during the event at a Nairobi hotel, country director Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia search for common grounds Judy Kimamo has said the fourty two month funding coming to an end has achieved alot in ensuring reporting at all levels, embracing of alternative despute resolutions,justice delivery and social media monitoring to ensure online harassment does not escalate to violence.

However there is need to address the changing tactics of enemies as a way of preventing and countering terrorism.

The event brought together representatives of county commissioners, prosecutors, magistrates and community policing frontliners from Fafi,Garisa county and Lamu County.

Monday, March 25, 2024


I&M  Group PLC has recorded twenty  percent Revenue and fifteen  percent Profit After Tax
Growth in the financial year 2023.The regional financial services provider boasts operations in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania,Uganda and Mauritius, attributed the 15% growth in its profits is attributed to an increase in its operating income.

Speaking during the release of the results I&M Bank Kenya’s performance, I&M Bank’s CEO Mr. Gul Khan said: "Throughout the year, our primary focus was on delivering new and relevant financial solutions designed to solve problems for Kenyans which resulted in a 27percent increase
in our total customers and over 100percent increase in digital transactions.significant growth was driven by innovative solutions such as the ongoing Ni Sare Kabisa free transfers to M-PESA and Airtel Money and the largest unsecured person.

The iMara2.0 strategy over the past three years has seen Return on Equity grow from 10percent in 2020 to 15 percent in 2023. Operating income grew by 20 percent from KES 36 billion in the previous year to KES 43 billion with 20percent of this revenue coming from new strategic initiatives during the phase.

The Group’s balance sheet grew steadily with Total Assets increasing by KES 142 billion to KES 580 billion.The loan portfolio grew by 30percent to KES 311 billion partly attributed to the
extension of retail lending through the Bank’s digital platforms with a net nonperforming loan ratio at 5percent as of 31st December 2023.Customer deposits closed at KES 417 billion, recording a 33percent  increase yearon-year, largely attributed to growth in CASA (Current Accounts and Savings Income statement highlights.

The Group’s share of profit from its joint venture in Mauritius, Bank One Limited recorded a year-on-year growth of 82percent to close at KES 1.2 billion. I&M Bank Kenya posted an operating income growth of 14percent year on year, 7percent increase in operating profit and a 1percent drop in Profit Before Tax, due to higher loan loss provisions.

 The Bank has seen a significant growth in the adoption of its digital services, with 93percent of customers being digitally active with brand awareness growing from 5percent to 20percent
as part of the strategy.


Anti-Counterfeit Authority of kenya has  hosted Fair Competition Commission (FCC) of Tanzania in renewed regional efforts to combat cross-border trade in counterfeit goods in a move to reciprocate Kenyas counterpart visit to Tanzania last year.

Speaking during the event at the Anti counterfeit Authority offices in Nairobi kenya, Dr. Robi Mbugua Njoroge, Executive Director of the Anti-Counterfeit Authority has said there is urgent need to address the counterfeit menace, highlighting the detrimental impacts on the economy, investor confidence, and innovation.

On his part Mr. William Eroi, Director General of the Fair Competition Commission, emphasized the patriotic duty shared by both agencies to stand for fair and open trade, ensuring economic growth and prosperity across their nations and sealing loopholes for the trade.

Regional assessments by the International Peace Institute indicate an annual market share of Ksh 180 billion for counterfeit trading within the East African Community as of 2017. In Kenya alone, counterfeit trading was valued at Ksh 70 billion in 2017, reaching Ksh 90 billion in 2029, rivaling key sectors like tourism, tea, and coffee – traditionally top earners for the country.

The renewed partnership opens avenues for law enforcement agencies to develop innovative approaches and strategies in combating counterfeit trade. Areas of collaboration will include information sharing for enforcement actions, public outreach, research, and expertise exchange, with the overarching goal of enhancing investigative capabilities and intelligence networks to successfully tackle counterfeit and illicit trade activities.

According to the OECD's 2018 report, counterfeiting represents one of the largest criminal enterprises globally, with estimated domestic and international sales ranging from $1.7 trillion to $4.5 trillion annually, surpassing even drug trafficking and human trafficking in scale.

Friday, March 22, 2024


The Donkey Sanctuary joined the community in Nuu, Mwingi to celebrate this year world water day where Donkeys were provided with free vet care and checks.This years World Water Day themme is Water for Peace.

Speaking during the celebrations Florence Makau of The Donkey Sanctuary said that without donkeys life will be tough especially for women and girls who will be forced to seek water and carry it themselves. On his part Dr Solomon the Country Director of the Donkey Sanctuary in Kenya said that donkeys are truly a life saver for many communities and life would be very hard without donkeys.

Donkeys are used to transport water and in many communities in Kenya donkeys will be seen working side by side with women to fetch and transport water.It is therefore important to celebrate the donkeys in this year's World Water Day as they contribute immensely to water access. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)  has this morning launched the National disability multi party caucus (NDMC) in a bid to strengthen multi-party systems in Kenya.

Speaking during the launch at a Nairobi hotel azimio principle and Narc Kenya leader Mother Karua has lauded the move which seeks to improve democracy and representations through working closely  with political parties, electoral bodies, Civil Society Organisations and other actors to  address policy and governance challenges. 

The programme currently is in  its third year and  has delivered several activities aimed at supporting twenty political parties in Kenya to embrace inclusive multi-party democracy and involve People with disabilities actively.The  political parties requested WFD to  support the conceptualization of a National Disability Multi Party Caucus (NDMC) that seeks to collectively advocate for political commitment on disability inclusion. 

The launch was attended by party leaders among the Eugene wamalwa,calistus Juma and other representatives of political parties.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024



Dr Gichuhi Mwethera Director General KIPRE during a media briefing 

Snakebite experts from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya, and Eswatini converged  in Nairobi at the Kenya institute of primate research (KIPRE) to launch the African Snakebite Alliance (ASA) which is set to tackle deadly snakebite venom,the move is geared towards  improving health outcomes for people affected by snakebite envenoming and address evidence gaps in policy and practice.

Speaking during the launch the Director General of the research institute Dr Gichuhi Mwethera has said the Institute vhas developed it's snake bite anti venom in a bid to lower the cost of the anti venom and that the Coordination between the groups aims to ensure new research leads to changes on the ground a move crucial for meeting the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) goal of halving snakebite deaths and disability worldwide by 2030.

According to statics Snakebite envenoming kills between 81,000 and 138,000 people annually and a further 400,000 surviving victims are left with permanent physical disabilities and disfigurements.One-third of these deaths occur  in sub-Saharan Africa with majority individuals affected by snakebite often residing in disadvantaged rural communities across Africa..

 The newly launched ASA members are drawn from LSTM, KIPRE, University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Eswatini Antivenom Foundation (EAF) and Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) with funding provided by the Wellcome Trust.



ASA will to promote research on snakebite envenoming via open grants to address the challenge in the barriers to tackling the burden of snakebite in sub-Saharan Africa, including limited funds and lack of relevant data.WHO has classified snakebite envenoming as a neglected tropical disease due to the lack of global resources dedicated to tackling it including the need for high quality research. 


Following the expiry of a seven day strike notice to the government by doctors Union KMPDU and failure of the government to initiate negations,the doctors have made good their threat and will go on nationwide strike starting today March 13th midnight.

Addressing a Media briefing at the doctors Union offices in Nairobi the secretary General of the doctors Union KMPDU Dr Davji Atella cited lack of goodwill from the government to engage the doctors following airing of their grievances which include signing of of new CBA, failure to provide medical cover to union members,delayed posting of medical interns, salary delays and failure to provide house allowance as key reasons for the strike.

The doctors have vowed to paralyse all services in hospitals across the country untill their issues are addressed fully while blaming the cabinet secretary for health Susan Nakumicha for turning a deaf ear to them.

Untill the rogue police officer who deliberately shot and injured the Secretary General in a previous peaceful demonstration is arrested the strike will go on and no member of police service will be treated.The Union has also demanded a refund of the housing levy declared unconstitutional by the court before calling off the strike.


Harm reduction society and campaign  for safer alternatives CASA have urged the kenyan government to review the tobacco control act in a bid to save smokers lives.Harm reduction is a public health strategy used successfully for years to address various health-related behaviours, including drug abuse, alcohol consumption, reproductive health and smoking in a bid to minimize the health risks associated with smoking thus mitigating negative consequences of tobacco use with an end goal of assisting the
user to quit.


In Kenya there is not sufficient understanding  of the beneficial impact of tobacco harm reduction. policy makers risk missing the opportunity to save lives and reduce the public health burden caused by cigarette smoking due to much publicity recently about the supposed dangers of vapes and nicotine pouches.

Speaking during a press conference at a Nairobi hotel Dr Michael Kariuki founder and secretary general Harm reduction society Kenya has said safer nicotine products save lives by effectively helping smokers to quit smoking and should not be wiped out based on false narrative.Tobacco harm reduction advocates for the promotion and use of smokeless nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), such as patches or gums, to help individuals manage their addiction with reduced exposure to the harmful toxins found in tobacco smoke.

Activists have called for them to be banned with 
the taxman  threatening to price them beyond the reach of consumers.The Public Health Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni has announced her
intention "to wipe them out".This makes it difficult for a Kenyan smoker who wants to give up the deadly habit.Nearly two-thirds of Kenya’s 2.7 million smokers say they want to quit.
However only a tiny fraction succeed in doing so.

According to Dr Kariuki young people and youths  should be protected saying the tobacco initiation age is Six years and the government should put in place a roadmap for a smoke free society and nicotine replacement therapy to create awareness and curb under age use.wiping out alternative nicotine products from the market leaves smokers with no option but to keep smoking.

Non tobacco nicotine products do not contain tobacco and research has found them 95 percent less harmful than traditional cigarettes.If smokers cannot quit they should be helped to switch to alternatives by ensuring tobacco free products like regulated nicotine products and vapes are affordable and accessible.

Currently there are 1.3 billion smokers globally and cigarettes smoking will kill 50% of smokers something attributed to high cost of nicotine safer products approved by the pharmacy and poisons board.

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) an umbrella network of Civil Society Organizations and individuals across Kenya committed to effective advocacy for the reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya have  launched HAKI ARDHI APP – a women land rights reporting tool- in Nairobi as part of its International Women’s Day celebration.

 The event  held at Ufungamano House, attracted close to 200 women from across the country and various stakeholders, including government officials.It is our aim, to provide a free, secure and dependable reporting mechanism so that women can access the remedies that they so much need,” said Faith Alubbe, the CEO of Kenya Land Alliance.

The Haki Ardhi App was last year rolled out in Kakamega County and Taita Taveta County and has been very instrumental in documenting land rights injustices faced by women in these areas, including land succession problems, forced evictions, land grabbing, denial of access to their property among others. 

Kenyans can access it through Toll-Free Text function (victims can send messages to 23583 to report their situation and access remedy) has been so effective that the courts, through the Chief Magistrate in Kakamega, are interested in the data to help accelerate the prosecution of some of the stalled land rights violation cases where women are victims. 

During the ceremony, Kenya Land Alliance outlined its three-year plan for HAKI ARDHI APP, which includes the training of training of 20 paralegals in 30 counties, enhancement of its legal aid services to bring pro-bono legal assistance to members of the community who can not afford the services of advocates or lawyers and addressing some of the country’s land and natural resources policy deficits. The HAKI ARDHI APP is domiciled in several InfoHubs across Taita Taveta county and Kakamega County and is overseen by paralegals and legal assistants. 

The HAKI ARDHI APP has been developed in partnership with the Rainforest Foundation UK (RF-UK) as the technical partner and TMG ThinkTank For Sustainability.The APP has so far registered 130 cases (both in Taita Taveta County and Kakamega County) out of which 6 have been successfully followed-up and solved. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024



Nairobi is set to host a crucial
gathering of Eastern and Southern African countries to review progress made and set priorities for preventing, combatting and eradicating the scourge of illicit small arms and light weapons.

The Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Fourth Review Conference on the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms
and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UN PoA) and its International Tracing Instrument (ITI) is set
to take place from 4 to 5 March 2024.

Speaking during a meeting held in Nairobi kenyan interior coordination permanent secretary Dr Raymond Omolo has revealed the meeting will see high-level attendance by the President Designate of the Fourth Review Conference, Ambassador Maritza Chan Valverde of Costa Rica, as well as Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.It will be attended by
delegations from over 26 countries from the Eastern and Southern Africa region, and regional
and sub-regional organizations such as the African Union, the Economic Community of East
African Community (ECA), the Southern African Development Community (SADC.

The widespread availability and illicit proliferation of SALW serve as key drivers and enablers of
armed conflicts, violent extremism, and the expansion of terrorism, among other sources of
violence and insecurity. Small arms control measures have proven themselves to be effective
tools to disrupt the supply of illicit SALW to terrorist and criminal groups.Adequate small arms control is a crucial means of reducing armed violence, preventing conflict and building peaceful and inclusive societies.

 According to Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.UN PoA, adopted in 2001 is  politically binding framework which contains
commitments by Member States to enhance control measures over small arms.


Bishop Magret wanjiru of the Jesus Is Alive Ministry (JIAM) church located along Haile Selassie road in Nairobi City has faulted the Kenya kwanza administration after the government ordered for demolition of her church.

Addressing a media briefing at her church  the politician Bishop has said she has the tittle deed of the piece of land where the church stand and will go to court to fight the alleged land grabbing by Railways which is claiming to be the rightful owner of the land.

The Bishop has claimed she was attacked and roughed up by security officials and goons who humiliated  and injured her in the Melee that ensued during the clash of the demolition tussle.

The firebrand Bishop has said she stood up and campaigned for the president Ruto and now his administration has betrayed her by ordering for demolition of her city church.


Dr. Sylvance Okoth, Executive Secretary, EASTECO; Prof. Gaspard Banyankimbona, Executive Secretary, IUCEA, and Prof. Walter O. Oyawa, Director General of the National Commission for Science, Technology & Innovation (NACOSTI) launching the East African Regional Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2023-2033 & East African Regional Intellectual Property (IP) Policy 2023-2033.

Following the Treaty for establishment of the East African Community (EAC) which recognizes Science and Technology as a key driver for sustainable socio-economic development in the region.The third  Regional science, tech conference for East Africa community member States has  opened in Nairobi  bringing together policy makers, industry players, academicians, researchers, innovators, students and development partners.

Speaking during the opening ceremony the Director General of the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), Dr Walter Oyawa, on behalf of Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu said  the Draft Sessional Paper on Education 2024 proposes an allocation of 2% towards research with at least a third of that amount going towards TVETS and another third towards universities.The biennial conference builds on the deliberations and success of the 1st and 2nd conferences, which were held, respectively, in Kampala, Uganda in 2019 and Bujumbura, Burundi in 2021. 
Mr Machogu said Kenya plans to have at least one national polytechnic in each of the 47 counties. .”

This year three day conference is hosted jointly by the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) and the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA).Under the auspices of the East African Community (EAC), themed, “Accelerating development and diffusion of Science, Technology and Innovation solutions for a green, inclusive and resilient East Africa.” 

The Executive Secretary of EASTECO, Dr Sylvance Okoth, said the conference will provide an important forum for exchanging scientific information, and in the process, create new linkages and strengthen bonds of collaboration.
On his part, IUCEA Executive Secretary Prof Gaspard Banyankimbona underscored the importance of utilizing research to improve livelihoods.

 Present during the conference are the Executive Secretaries of IUCEA and EASTECO, Prof Gaspard Banyankimbona and Dr Sylvance Okoth,donor representatives ,representatives of EAC Partner States, the African Union, Regional Economic Communities, civil society, business and industry organizations, academic and research institutions.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Kenyan Boxer Rayton okwiri is set to battle it out with Tanzanian Meshack Mwantemwa in a fight dubbed Nairobi fighy night on March 23rd at the Kenyatta International convention center (KICC).

Speaking during the unveiling of sponsorship at the Quiver Eastlands,both boxers have promised their fans a fight to remember with Kenyan boxer Okwiri who has 12 wins and is aged thirty seven promising to win the fight against his competitor with 24 wins aged 27 in the first round.

Tickets for the fighy can be bought at the Mticket VVIP gong for 2000 and VIP for a thousand bob Kenyan shillings.The solid rock promoter fight will start at 6pm till late and the winner will get a direct ticket to the world title.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Pharmaceutical society of Kenya (PSK) has rised concerns over the rising cost of drugs occasioned by exit of giant drug manufacturing company from Kenya.

Glaxo smith Kenya( GSK) exited Kenya after decades of manufacturing drugs in Kenya due to changing micro and macro environment that pushed the company away following influx of drugs from other countries.

Speaking during the national validation workshop on the social health insurance regulations 2024 and regulatory impact statement held at the Kenyatta International convention center ( KICC) vice president of psk Dr Joseph Kathare has said the price of GSK drugs have since doubled since the exit of the company from the kenyan market a move that could have been cushioned by government interventions to enable the giant drug company  stay afloat.


Ministry of tourism has announced introduction of cruise ship from Homabay to Tanzania in a bid to sell Homabay county as a tourism and investment destination.

Speaking on the sidelines of the second Homabay international Investment conference,the Permanent secretary (PS) ministry of tourism John Ololtuwaa has said the move will increase domestic and international tourism to Ruma National park and islands found in homabay county boosting tourism and blue economy.

Currently international tourism stand at 1.9million and is expected to clock 2Million by end of the year a move attributed to aggressive marketing.The PS called on investors to tap on the investment opportunities in homabay county especially in the hotel industry saying the ministry will collaborate with all counties to boost domestic tourism and diversification of tourist products.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...