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Friday, June 28, 2024


 The Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) has today awarded a cumulative of KES 23,950,000 to five community youth organizations to support their innovative ideas towards environmental sustainability and conservation. 

Speaking during the event, the Chief Guest Mr. Kihara Maina, Regional CEO of I&M Group PLC,
commended KCDF for its commitment to supporting youth innovations. He emphasized the
government's role as an enabler, suggesting that some investments are challenging for individuals
to undertake alone. Mr. Maina proposed using taxes to support youth-driven innovations,
emphasizing that sustainability hinges on profitability, which can then fund transformative
innovations. "Our commitment is to lead change through shared value, with a significant allocation towards environmental conservation, education, and skills training, as well as economic empowerment.I applaud the YEIC competition for its eye-opening impact, and I hope the second iteration will scale up in both quality and reach, to engage diverse partners in addressing environmental challenges,"he said.

On her part, the KCDF Executive Director Ms. Grace Maingi emphasized the importance of fostering and advancing innovation within the development sector, alongside efforts to control carbon emissions. “We aim to empower young people by recognizing their potential through the Young Environmentalist Innovation Challenge. As we launch the second call for applicants, we have
extended support eligibility to individuals aged 15 to 35, offering grants of up to five million shillings".

Under its Young Environmentalist Innovative Challenge (YEIC), KCDF aims at developing action-oriented young individuals and youth-led organizations committed to the conservation of the environment.The finalists of the inaugural challenge, launched in 2023, were awarded in this event that also saw the launch of the second edition.

 The winners included Inua DamSite from Nyandarua County,EcoRich Solutions,Placom Manufacturers from Nairobi County,Farmer Lifeline Technologies and Fruity Schools Africa from Kiambu County.This year’s edition seeks to award three young individual environment champions with grants of upto KES 1.5 Million and six organizations with grants of up to KES 5 Million each, for implementing their unique environment conservation-based ideas.

YEIC is an environmental innovation fund established by KCDF with support from Mackenzie Scott to bolster innovative ideas and solutions that promote environmental conservation, sustainable resource management, and community resilience. KCDF has partnered with the National Environment Trust Fund (NetFund), Green Generation Initiative (GGI), and the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) to identify top unique ideas through this initiative.

In a ceremony that brought together, youth representatives, the private sector, environment
champions, advocates, and enthusiasts, the event underscored the significance of environmental
conservation in addressing pressing global issues such as drought and climate change. It emphasized the role of digital technology in enhancing efforts to protect the environment.

KCDF works to enhance the growth and sustainability of communities through capacity
development, community philanthropy, and local giving. KCDF invests significant resources to build,strengthen and sustain the core capacities of our communities by developing thoughtful, long-term collaborations.

Applications for the 2024 edition of the Young Environmentalist Innovation Challenge are open on the KCDF website:

Friday, June 21, 2024


Ronald Meru, KNCCI Chair - Trade and Economic Diplomacy extended an invitation to the private sector for the upcoming Zambia Trade Mission slated for July 28 whereby the chamber will take hundred delegates to the Zambia.

Mr Meru was speaking during a signing of MOU at chamber offices in Nairobi with delegations from FINSCO Consulting, GO GREENWOOD Bank LLC., the Ministry of Trade Investments, and Industry, the State Department of Industry, and the State Department of Trade. The collaboration aims to address the shortage of 150,000 housing units in Kenya.

KNCCI urged private sector players to leverage over 250 MoUs signed with local and international partners, confident that such engagements will help the sector thrive. The Kenyan government recognized KNCCI's efforts during the USA Trade Mission, which facilitated the MoU signing within 30 days.

FINSCO Africa's CEO, Mr. John Mwaura highlighted the challenge of business growth and noted that their KNCCI membership has facilitated strategic networking, leading to the partnership with Go Greenwood Bank LLC from Atlanta, Georgia a culmination of President William Ruto state visit of USA.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Concerned Citizen Movement leaders lead by professor Fred Ogola has this morning  called for unconditional release of 335 Kenyans arrested for participating in peaceful protest under the banner occupy parliament to show their furry over finance bill 2024.

According to professor Fred Kenyans have had enough is enough of punitive taxes by kenya kwa za regime which the professor accuse of  corruption and  infighting instead of fixing the economy and listening to the voices of kenyans voices.The finance act 2023/2024 was passed despite many kenyans opposing it and before the dust settles Kenyans have been slapped by another finance bill in the error of of high debt burden and lack of employment .

The concerned citizens have faulted the government for  freezing employment for a year keeping off qualified graduands away from job Market.small business have been  suffering pending bills due to government failure to pay the bills killing the livelihood of middle class kenyans.proper use of tax will guarantee mwananchi a better Kenya.

The current constitution has no clause to recall the president therefore the concerned citizens have embarked on collecting one million signatures to recall the president.Budgeted corruption account for  1.3trillion while non priority expenditure account for  another 1.3trillion according to CCM leaders.

The leaders have called on inspector  general of police Japheth koome to ensure police service remain police service by protecting demonstrators and not police triggering violence and arresting peaceful demonstrators with violence.



By Benard Mulwa. 

The Amnesty International has today joined efforts by the Anglican Church calling on the law makers to remove and amend sections of the Finance Bill 2024 that have a direct impact on the livelihoods of Kenyans, this comes even as Parliament is debating the Finance Bill 2024.

The Anglican Church leadership today led by Rev. Ole Sapit converged at All African Conference Churches in Nairobi at a symposium to share expertise and experience in the area of social transformation among the communities, bringing together all ten regions of the Anglican Development Services.

Speaking to journalists, Rev. Ole Sapit said Anglican Development Services is a programme which is geared towards meeting the needs of the poor and those who are in need in the area of health, education, food security, advocacy and Climate Change adaptation. "As Anglican Church of Kenya we have looked at Social transformation as the centre of mission, our expertise are in value addition in food chain, Climate change adaptation, economic empowerment of the communities through table banking and Co-operative schemes,"

His grace Rev. Ole Sapit said the International Monetary Fund IMF has in the recent past adviced on the government to do structural adjustments, stop employing new staff because this will demish the taxable population of Kenyans hence the government will not have people with a regular salary to be taxed and if business are under attack with the kind of proposals that are being made then the cost of doing business in the country is going to be very expensive leading to closure of many companies and more jobs will be lost.  

The Rev. Also added that focuss on cutting on wastage and non-,essentials ,areas that the government need to stop like corruption and unnecessary trips abroad a proposal cuts in essentials like health, education and food security does not give hope to Kenyans. "If the law makers will pass punitive tax that will harm the electrolet, then the electrolet will be waiting for them," he said things which are going to hurt poor household, like sanitary towels, edible oils, zero rating on bread- Taxation on motor vehicles, putting emphasis that those cars are already paid for duty as a tax when being bought and when fueling each car there is a 16 percent VAT, every spare part there is a 16 percent and that Kenyans don't understand the rational of bringing in another tax. "We want to urge the law makers to read every section of those Bill, we don't expect member of Parliament coming to tell us in the village when are confronted by their electrolets that they have not read the Bill, as we have had in the Finanxe Bill 2023, some members say they passed a Bill that they did not read."

Saturday, June 15, 2024


The Day of African child celebrated June 14th saw the launch of a six months campaing to create nationwide awareness on the importance of quality and skilled child care in the first one thousand days of a child, the launch by ECD Network for Kenya in partnership with Africa Early Childhood Network kicks off today.

Addressing a news conference  at a Nairobi hotel Dr. Teresa Mwoma National Coordinator ECD Network has called on stakeholders to ensure kids are thriving and not surviving since the impacts of poor child care in the first five years of their lives will later affect them in life therefore need for caregivers to ensure quality childcare and protection of the children.Dr Teresa has called on the government to create enabling environment and policies for children to develop secure attachments and families  to provide proper childcare, guidance and support critical for development of children to prepare them for  adulthood.

According to world Bank about 350 million children below primary school age representing more than 40 Percent of the population do not have access to proper childcare while 40 percent or pre school children are not enrolled.

In Africa about 5 million children live without parental care according to a report by the African Committee of experts on the rights and welfare of the child.

The campaign launched by ECD  Network will focus on eight economic blocks and will address issues on promoting , nurturing care,child protection,child friendly policies,gender policies and community participation in child care 

Friday, June 7, 2024


Blockchain industry leaders have converged in Nairobi for the second annual gathering bringing together industry leaders to deliberate on the role of Blockchain in shaping Africas economic landscape.

Speaking to journalists during the conference held at Karen in Nairobi Kenya,founder of Blockchain Mr Edwin Sikini said the industry is tainted by scams and issue they are solving by creating awareness to Kenyans on safety measures to take to avoid been scammed assuring Kenyans that the new tech in crypto is safe and fast.Mr Sikini added that there is a bill in parliament which will be in place in a span of one year to regulate the industry which currently is not regulated.

Kenya ranks third in Blockchain in Africa and globally top fifteen with majority of those involved in the crypto been the Gen z.There are over five hundred currency in the market with the mostly known been Bitcoin,Dadge,Solana and Ethereum.

According to CEO kotani Mr Felix Macharia who is Blockchain sponsors this year's attendance has grown to include players in the private and public sector as the Blockchain seems to introduce county chapters and ensure all entities are licensed to avert money laundering.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Kenya commemorated this year’s World Anti-Counterfeit Day by hosting the second edition of the International Symposium on Intellectual Property, Protection,and Enforcement (ISIPPE-2).

The conference was attended by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry, Ms. Rebecca Miano, bringing together key stakeholders, policymakers, and industry leaders to discuss the critical role of IP protection in ensuring consumer safety and fostering innovation.In her opening address, CS Miano emphasized the importance of robust IP frameworks in safeguarding consumers from counterfeit products and promoting a healthy, competitive market.Consumer safety is paramount, and strong intellectual property enforcement is essential to protect the public from the dangers of counterfeit goods. This forum underscores our commitment to
fostering innovation while ensuring the safety and well-being of consumers globally," said Ms.

The Principal Secretary, State Department of Industry, Dr. Juma Mukhwana, speaking during the opening ceremony of the event highlighted the
government's collaboration with WIPO and leading government agencies in formulating a
comprehensive national IP policy and strategy to support innovation and competitiveness. "We
have a draft National Intellectual Property Policy and Strategy (NIPPS) which lays the groundwork
for Kenya's national IP policy and strategy for the period 2023-2027," said Dr. Mukhwana.

Hon. Josephat Kabeabea, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Anti-Counterfeit Authority,
reiterated the Authority’s commitment to supporting the government's vision of industrial
development and economic growth. “Our mission is to create an environment where innovation
thrives, driving sustainable growth and ensuring that our SMEs and innovative enterprises can
thrive in a secure and supportive environment,” said Kabeabea.

As part of efforts to tighten controls against intellectual property contraventions and provide
redress mechanisms for aggrieved parties, the forum saw the launch of the ACA Integrated
Information Management System (AIMS) for this purpose. The system allows owners or holders
of intellectual property rights to record their products with the ACA as a safeguarding measure
against potential infringements or to provide pathways for protection in case of violations.
The system also has an Enforcement and Case Management component, which allows for
anonymous reporting, investigation, inventory management and prosecution of intellectual
property infringers.

This years conference is themed "Uniting Against Counterfeiting for a Healthy and Safe Future,” aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in intellectual property (IP) protection, raising awareness about the dangers of counterfeit products, and highlighting the importance of safeguarding IP rights for economic growth and public safety.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...