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Thursday, December 14, 2023



The association of start ups and SME enablers of Kenya (ASSEK ) has today held it's 5 years anniversary celebrations at a Nairobi hotel calling on entrepreneurs to tap on the benefits of been a member of ASSEK.

Speaking during to journalists during the event CEO ASSEK Mercy Kimalat has called on business start ups to join ASSEK by paying a membership fee of 10thousand shillings to be part of the strong network of more than 120 member organizations to support their  organizations to build sustainable business and create more jobs.

ASSEK has received more than 1 billion investments into the country and intends to focus on the climate change agenda.This as it seeks to come up with a framework on policy to harmonized voice within the sector and ensure proper regulation to build a better eco system  innovation hubs and a strong community of startups and SMEs.


 BY Brenda Asugu 

The capacity enhancement workshop for women in Agri business converged to discuss matters to do with Branding , packaging ,Digital marketing and e-commerce in Nairobi .

The forum was led by Edda Otieno Advisor Deutsch Gesellschaft fur Internationalle Zusammerbait (GIZ)and Elizabeth Thande chairperson East African Women in Business(EAWiBP) .This platform has provided effective knowledge on packaging techniques and marketing brands for products to attract consumer.

The worshop which has created a platform for women in business gave an in-depth insight on digital marketing search engine optimization ,E-commerce to boost online marketing for enterprenuers, The forum plays a vital in the economic,social eieding workshop that will address the following thematic areas branding that will boost women involvement in business.
E- commerce which is has played a crucial role in product management ,Audience identification, setting up and managing e-commerce platform and online market plaves that has provided internet marketing strategies.

Teach Standards.Digital Marketing: Equip participants with digital marketing skills, enabling them to customer segments, increase profit, and promote products online. E-commerce: Provide training on setting up and managing e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces. Mentorship and Networking Sessions: Connect women entrepreneurs with experienced mentors in branding,packaging, digital marketing, and e-commerce to foster knowledge sharing, collaboration, and mentorship opportunities. Increase understanding of current global trends in branding, packaging,sales, marketing, and customer relationship management.

The workshop, facilitated by respective experts, includes practical exercises and case studies tailored to the agribusiness sector. The workshop is facilitated by EAWiBP Officials, GIZ Business.


In a survey conducted between November 25th and December 7th to access the performance for the Kenya kwanza administration by TIFA and involved over three thousand respondents it has emerged that foreign trips by government officials are a thorn in the flesh in the economy that is still limping.

Speaking during the release of the polls at a Nairobi hotel leading TIFA researcher Tom Wolf pointed out that Musalia Mudavadi the prime Cabinet Secretary has made 16 foreign trips followed by the sports CS Ababu Namwamba who made 13 foreign trips between January and November 2023.CS  Eliud Owalo of ICT was ranked 3rd having made 12 foreign trips in 11 months while health cabinet secretary Susan Nakumicha made the least foreign trips having made only 3 and the best performing Cabinet Secretary Interior CS Prof Kithure Kindiki made no foreign trip.

In the political front the rulling party United Democratic Alliance (UDA) was ranked the most popular political party at 31 percent with the rival party Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) coming second with 22percent,other parties Jubilee,Wiper,Ford Kenya and KANU was ranked at 1percent.

The crime rate went up by 18percent with kenyans experiencing crime in the last three months mostly in the urban centres Nairobi with the lower Eastern experiencing the least crime rates.


The little known and marginalised Ilchamus community has joined the rulling party United Democratic Alliance (UDA) and vowed to work with the government in a bid to tap on development projects and ensure they enjoy the benefits of working with the Kenya kwanza government.

Lead by their leaders and former jubilee member or parliament candidate Baringo South the community has asked the government to consider appointing their leaders to the government to ensure their participation in the development agenda.

Speaking at the party headquarters in Nairobi Secretary general of the rulling party Cleophas Malala has called on other parties in the UDA which has low popularity according to the just released TIFA polls to fold and join UDA and work together to deliver the plan to the Kenyans.The polls showed the rulling party as the most popular in the country.

Friday, December 8, 2023


 The ‘Activate Nairobi’ Campaign raising awareness on women empowerment has supported calls for public-private collaborations to expand provision of mental health services to survivors of gender-based violence to ensure they get the services at any health facility with ease.

The campaign  aligned with the 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) will ensure necessary support, counselling and therapeutic interventions are readily available enabling victims to heal under a stima-free environment.

Speaking during the national convention on mental health services for survivors in Nairobi Kenya women professionals have called on the  local governments to collaborate with non-profit organisations' to promote awareness about mental health within the context of GBV thereby creating essential steps toward creating a more compassionate and responsive system for those affected.Valeria Buoninfante, Deputy Head of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) Regional Office of Nairobi emphasised: “GBV as a major  global threat saying It is crucial to empower survivors and give them a voice by fostering dialogue and collaborative efforts therefore need to take urgent action to bring change in social and individual behaviour.

Present during the convention was the  Presidential Women's Rights Advisor Harriette Chiggai, Appellate Judge Lady Justice Hellen Omondi, Liz Washika - GBV and Human Rights Program Manager at NASCOP, Roselyne Mkabana, Head of GBV Unit at Nairobi County Government and Pasqueline Njeri, Founder of Calmind Foundation who urged survivors to speak out and seek justice while ensuring the society is made aware of consequence of perpetrating violence against women.

The campaign is a collaborative effort involving the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), the Italian Institute of Culture (IIC) in Nairobi and the Embassy of Italy in Kenya. Together, they aim to raise awareness and promote initiatives addressing mental health services for survivors of sexual violence in the community.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


The operational plan for the mutuaI recognization agreement for engineers was held today in Nairobi Kenya bringing together GIZ the official sponsors in Matters trade and the State Department for Roads which is in charge of matters of engineering in Kenya to reafirm its commitment towards the full realization of EAC
Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA).

Speaking during the workshop held at a Nairobi hotel permanent secretary state department for roads Engineer Joseph Mbugua said a strong EAC collaboration will facilitate engineers’ contribution to regional development as critical enablers of  National Development Goals,Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to spur 
economic turnaround and a globally competitive East Africa Community.

The Ministry envision this workshop will provide a roadmap towards strengthening the delivery of the EAC engineering regulators mandate through
building the required engineering competencies, capabilities and strengthening the community collaborations and creating a robust framework that ensures adherence to quality standards and promotion of transparency in the  regional trade.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU) Kenya and other partners of the Coalition, today hosted the World Soil Day Conference themed “Enhancing Soil Health for Sustainable Food Systems” in Nairobi which brought together more than 100 stakeholders to discuss the vital role soil health and management play in pursuing food production that meets the nutritional needs of Kenya’s growing population.

Speaking during the launch, Chief Guest Principal Secretary State Department of Crop Development and Research Dr. Paul Ronoh emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing soil health to further transform Kenya’s Food Systems.
“I am greatly honoured to join you in this year’s World Soil Day celebrations. The 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly declare the year 2015 as the international years of soil and since then, every 5th of December is celebrated as the World’s Soil Day,” said Dr. Ronoh

Kenya's agriculture sector currently realizes only 25% of its potential yields.This underperformance is largely attributed to the rapid depletion of critical micro and macro nutrients in the soil, such as phosphorus, essential for optimal plant growth and yields.

 Approximately 63% of Kenya’s arable land suffer  from soil acidity, only between 1% and 8% of farmers adopt the appropriate use of lime for managing this acidity. This coupled with the compounding impact of climate change, including prolonged droughts and persistent rains leading to catastrophic floods, highlight the pressing need for urgent action to address soil health in Kenya’s food system. 

AGRA Vice President for Program Deliver Prof. Hamadi Boga  on his part said “We are pleased to launch the Food Systems and Land Use action plan 2024 – 2030 on this World Soil Day. Building on the momentum generated by a national consultative process, these evidence-based recommendations are a step in furthering the conversation of Kenya’s food system transformation, of which soil remains a critical element,” professor Boga was speaking in the conference that sought to promote soil health, biodiversity conservation, climate change, youth entrepreneurship in the food and land use systems, sustainable consumption and healthy diets in Kenya.

The conference culminated in the launch of Kenya Food Systems and Land Use Action plan 2024-2030 that makes recommendations on building a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food system for Kenya. This strategic plan prioritises key issues such as sustainable land use, productive and regenerative agriculture, healthy diets, reducing food loss and waste, protecting and restoring nature and whole system transition through gender, youth and social inclusion. 


Women enterprise fund (WEF) disbursed over 30 billion loans to women entrepreneurs connecting more than 200 thousand women to new markets globally thus help tackle the challenge of access to funds to women.

Speaking during the validation of the women enterprise fund at a Nairobi hotel CEO Raphael kimolo  has called on the women to ensure they repay their loans to enhance their credit score to enable them borrow more funds to better their businesses and their lives.

It has emerged about one million women were trianed in financial literacy,Agpo and value addition and over 40 thousand women supported to showcase their products in various shows  across the country.Average Loan repayment stood at 97percent by June this year having benefited over four thousand and twenty eight women in over thirty eight groups in a period of three years.

Monday, December 4, 2023


CEO Bingwa Homes Mr Njihia Njoroge explaining a point during a press conference, looking on is CEO Kenya school of Tivet and PS Shadrack Mwadime
Bingwa Homes has officially launched it's platform in the country with over 400 Bingwa experts enrolled in the digital platform that offers services online by requesting for an expert a move that is expected to reduce unemployment rates to the youths,

Speaking during the launch at the Kenya school of Tivet in Gigiri,CEO Bingwa Homes Njihia Njoroge has called on Kenyans to tap on the service to that offers qualified personel chosen through eight steps of trust thus very trustworthy and can work anywhere in the country since the platform offers flexibility therefore youths can enrol and work anywhere.The platform offers 10 percent discount for the first two orders in construction and 10percent cash back.

Bingwa is tailored to meet the market solutions and lessen the burden of unemployment to parents by offering youths who have compleated Tivet training work.This will be made successful via a partnership by Kenya school of Tivet that will be offering jobs by connecting it's graduands to the Bingwa experts.

Present during the launch was Permanent secretary of labour Shadrack Mwadime,CEO Kenya school of Tivet,CEO KARA,PROSAK officials and SENACA security officials who agreed to work together to reduce unemployment rates by atleast 0.7percent.


The third edition of Nairobi city Marathon took place today in a race that seeks to explore the express way in the city a race t...