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Thursday, October 26, 2023


Story by Brenda Asugu,staff writter 

The permanent secretary(PS) of Public service Mr Amos Gatheca has put across pragmatic reforms that will effectively propel the adminstration of the state department of public service .

Among the key reforms that have been set by the ministry include guiding and councelling desk in all the Huduma Centres, Addition of Huduma Centres across the 47 Counties ,Creation of Employment for the youth overseas , Registration of all human resources counterparts ,extermination of the issues of corruption and post retirement medical implementation.

According to Mr Gatheca the implementation of Mental health desk at Huduma will play a crucial role in supporting the public servant and also psychological health support and other pressing issues .The PS talked about post retirement medical scheme that is expected to cater for the well-being of the public servant after service. 
He addressed the issues of employment which included creation of employment for the youth overseas .He said ,"

The government is looking forward to lias with countries in the middle East that will employ young people to go and work and this trajectory will benefit the country interns of foreign exchange this will also help in building a healthy welfare for Kenyan workers in foreign countries ".
He added , "the government of Kenya has diligently increased the intake of internship for students from 3,000 to 20,000 and inclusion of the private sector that will collectively solve the issue of unemployment among the youth" .
Mr. Gathetha has played a pivotal role in establishing counseling desks within Huduma Centres across the nation. As a civil serdecades of experience, Mr. Gathetha’s legacy in Kenya’s civil service is marked by innovation.

Mr Gatheca also addressed the issues of data registration in all sectors of employment that will help counter the issue of forgery of certificates and incompetency in all departments. The PS has also pushed on new taskforce reforms for all human resource servants in all sectors to be registered in a union to curb the issues of quacks and corruption across the public service.

However ,the PS shared the plans conveyed by the government to increase the number Huduma Centres across the 47 Counties that will enable diversity of government service in the Mashinani areas which will bring about sustainability and accessibility of service like collection of good conducts and application of Passports 
Amos Gathetha’s path to reform has not been without obstacles. He has faced resistance from vested interests and encountered the complexities of battling corruption. 

Nonetheless, his unwavering commitment to the greater good and his vision for a responsive and effi cient civil servicecontinue to drive progress.As a civil servant with over three decades of experience, Mr. Gathetha’s legacy in Kenya’s civil service is marked by innovation and meaningful change. Looking ahead,he remains dedicated to further reforms and is exploring new avenues to transform Kenya’s public administration. His exemplary leadership and visionary initiatives serve as an inspiration, not only to civil servants but to the entire nation, as Kenya works.


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