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Tuesday, September 19, 2023


APNAC member is Parliament reading a joint declaration

The African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption - Kenya Chapter (APNAC-Kenya) has voiced its  reservation  about the proposed amendments to the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003 and the kaluma bill on corruption.

Hon.shakeel Shabbir APNAC Chairman 

The proposed amendments if passed, risk eroding efforts in combating corruption and violating Kenya's constitutional principles and international commitments,Parliament has received a proposed amendment to the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act to delete Section 64 of the Act providing for the disqualification of persons convicted of corruption or economic crimes from being elected or appointed as public officers.

Starehe legislator Amos Mwago speaking during the round table

  APNAC  members of parliament have strongly opposed this proposed amendment which is inconsistent with the Constitution of Kenya and violates several constitutional provisions including National Values and Principles of Governance under Article 10 and Principles of Leadership and Integrity under Chapter Six of the Constitution on leadership and integrity.

Another proposed amendment to ACECA under section 45(2) (b) and (c) which seeks to remove accountability by public officials for offences related to noncompliance with procurement laws, procedures and guidelines and the implementation of unplanned projects. 

Kenyas  international commitments to combat corruption, including signing the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) requiring states to implement measures for disqualification or removal of individuals convicted of corruption from public office. The African Union 
Convention on Prevention and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) also requires state parties to adopt measures to hold individuals accountable including individuals who hold public office. The proposed amendments should be evaluated in light of these commitments to ensure Kenya's compliance with The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003 according to Busia senator Okiya Omtata who has called for involvement of police and in particular the OCS to be involved in the fight against corruption.

Speaking during the media rounda table in Nairobi Honourable Shakeel Shabbir kisumu East legislator and the chairman APNAC Kenya chapter has castigated Peter Kaluma who has ignored requests to withdraw his controversial bill on those involved in corruption.The legislator has said that Kaluma bill is not ODM party position bon the war against corruption with Amos Mwago member of Parliament for starehe backing him saying Party Leader ODM has been on the forefront in the war against corruption and that Kaluma position is personal,therefore call for a transparent and inclusive process that involves consultation with oversight agencies including the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the Office of the Auditor General, other oversight institutions, civil society, legal experts, and the public to ensure that aconomic crimes are averted and culprits punished.

The African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption - Kenya Chapter (APNAC-Kenya) is a network of parliamentarians dedicated to promoting transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption in Kenya.APNAC-Kenya works to foster collaboration among parliamentarians, civil society organizations, 


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